Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Professionally written paper

There Is n expectation that the tasks associated with this assignment will reflect a professionally written paper. TOPIC: Many companies in the western world have been using ERP systems for a considerable amount of time and could be considered established and mature users of these systems. It has been suggested that because companies have adopted ERP systems, it would be difficult for them to achieve a competitive advantage through differentiation due to the following aspects: Similar standardized business processes Similar technology, such as SAP, supporting these processes.Discuss how companies can achieve competitive differentiation using their ERP system for the above scenario. Use case studies to support your arguments. Your essay must include: Assignment Cover Page: use the cover sheet provided. Paper's title page: Include the Assignment Title, Student Name & Number, Date & Unit name/code. Introduction: Introduces the topic. States clearly purpose of the paper and a brief descr iption of the paper's structure. Body: Discuss, compare and/or contrast different perspectives, present arguments purporting the purpose of the paper. Conclusion: Summaries the salient points you have made in the body of the paper.References/Bibliography Must be consistent in Harvard style. The footer must include your name, student ID, and page number. A header should include a short version of the title. Submission Your paper must be submitted via the Turning link in Web. Your submission to Turning should only include your paper. Do not include the reference list or title page. Name your file the following way.

“Social Inequality Is a Necessary Evil of Capitalist Society”. Please Comment .

â€Å"Social inequality is a necessary evil of capitalist society†. Please comment with the reference of the sociology perspectives being discussed in the lecture and textbook. In the 21th century, the existence of social inequality has already raised to the surface, which give rise to a torrent of furor. Many people sees social inequality as an individual problem, people experience inequality because of their ability or laziness. However, this is somehow not the real case.Indeed, social inequality can be the consequence of the institution of the society, or, simply a characteristic of a particular economic system. This is exactly why social inequality is said to be a necessary evil in a capitalist society. In this essay, the reasons that social inequality must exist in a capitalist society is going to be discussed. The term ‘capitalism’ can be ambiguous, so what really means ‘capitalism’? Over these centuries, capitalism has been further divided or m utated into many types of systems.Generally, capitalism is an economic system. The most notable and common meaning of capitalism is the private ownership of the means of production. Private ownership means that individuals consist of the freedom to control their own assert. This means individuals will not interfere with one another as they use, exchange (sell) or give away what they find unclaimed or abandoned, what they make, and what they get from other persons by gift or exchange (purchase). (Watts, 1975) Compared to capitalism, the definition of social inequality is relatively clearer.Basically, anything unequal happened within a society or groups can said to be a social inequality. Sociologically, according to Marger(2005), the more evident inequalities in nowadays’ society are mainly the differences in income and wealth, differences in social standing and prestige, and differences in power. Now, do ‘capitalist society’ and ‘capitalism’ consist of an identical meaning? This is a very discussible question. Rather than only an economic system, the influence of capitalism is more than that.As Marxian theory stated that economic institution are the determinants of the entire system of society, the society’s economic foundation conditions the social, political and intellectual life process in general (Marx and Engel,1968, cited from Marger,2005), it is believed that a capitalist society refers to a society the norms and culture of the societies are influenced by its economic structure, namely capitalism. In a capitalist society, some particular characteristics are developed. As this is not an economic analysis, the focus point would be more about social characteristics.First of all, the capital accumulation is a trait that the owner, or the entrepreneur was dependent upon not only the accumulation of his own capital but also the aggregation of the capital of others. (Schumpeter, 1942) Besides, in a modern capitalistic st ate, competition is engaged to capitalism. The competition between corporations is the key to lower the costs of production and prices, and also the competition among workers to compete for limited employment, while competition leads to a maximization of self-interest. Democracy is also said to be the necessities of capitalism.Przeworski and Wallerstein (1982, cited from Goodin, 2009) explained it by using the term ‘class compromise’. Democracy is the compromise between capitalist and workers as it brings out the equilibrium that they share the same political power even through their quantity of wealth are unequal. This is redistribution, according to Prezeworski and Wallerstein. Lastly, modern capitalist society triggered the variation of forms of capital as nowadays, money and raw materials are not the only things that create profit, and this will be further discussed below.In this way, how these characteristics reflect or contribute to social inequality? Let’s discuss this issue from different sociological perspectives. From the conflict-theory-approach, Marxian and Weberian models are necessary to understand structured inequality in societies. According to Marx, social inequality is fundamental in capitalist society (Marger, 2005) Marx state that capitalism leads to class division—the capitalist class and the industrial working class, while this is the basic of capitalism and also the basic of social inequality.So in this way, the one who own resources and commodity can rule the other class. The working class must accept what capitalist pay them for their labor as they have no capital. This ruling practice can create a result of not only control the economic system and wealth distribution, but also the authority and the privilege of capitalist. As a result, the social inequality remains unchanged and the working classes by no means accept it. Under Marx’s analyses, the inevitable inequality in a capitalist society will eve ntually trigger a class conflict.Marx explains that the economy and politics are interdependent on each other, by which, we can applying to this essay is democracy and capitalism. Nowadays, democratic capitalism is a well-known political-economic system. Using Marx’s concept, democracy is created by those capitalist who try to make control and rule the two classes in a seemingly democratic way. For instance, in the USA, everyone has a right to vote, this allows people to have equality chance to choose the best politician they believe in.Through voting, they feel like they are given the opportunity to an equal chance, yet the structure-basis soical inequality remain unchanged. After analyzing this topic from Marxian perspectives, let’s move on to the Weberian model. According to Marger(2005), Weber suggested a more multidimensional model than that of Marx. Other than just a class division base on economic interest, Weber suggest the class, status and party are the facto rs that create inequality. Regarding this topic, the idea of Weber about the concept of class would be quite proper to explain the inevitability of inequality in capitalist society.In Weber’s points of view, the formation of class or the class position of a particular person is not just simply base on the means of production, rather there are things like skills and credentials. For instance, doctor is a worker for the hospital, but their social position is more than simply a worker. Here comes to the concept of capital—In the industrialism period, technologies are material-intensive, thus the means of production only focused on the physical capital, namely raw materials, money and other kinds of assert.However, in the modern capitalist society, technologies are shifted into informative-intensive, bringing out the diversity of capital. Goodwin(2003) suggested that there are five types of capital—-financial capital, social capital, natural capital, produced capita l and human capital. In this way, the accumulation of capital is not only money and material in modern capitalist society are varied—-different types of capitalist are being developed. As a result, our degrees of accumulation of different kinds of capital would result inequality diversity, not only difference in wealth, but difference in privilege and social position.Weber’s concept is able to explain the inequality of privilege, power and social position rather than just wealth in modern capitalist society. As we can see, the conflict-approach focus on the inevitability of inequality, while the structural-functionalism approach is focused on the need of inequality. Functional theorists begin with the metaphor that the society is organized as a whole or a living system. ( Rigney, 2001) In this organic system, people must take up different role to maintain the operation of the society.In this way, there is a necessity of inequality. Under this scheme, some roles are rel atively important than others, namely doctor is considered more important than trash collectors. According to David and Moore (1945), this is due to the more important to the survival of the society than others. These positions require much talent and education, thus these important roles would earn more income and prestige compared to others, which leads to an open up of competition. Being one of the characteristics in capitalist society, competition is everywhere.People start compete by strive for limited university quota, limited working positions, limited resources and so on. Eventually, those with more talent and stronger ability occupied those more important positions such as layer, judgers, and doctor and those with less talent, in other words, less human capital are taking up less important role namely driver, salesman and so on. This occupational stratification creates differences in income and reward, applying to a capitalist society, create winners and losers.Applying the functionalist perspective to capitalist society, the variation of roles and the occupation of better positions by people with more human capital, is necessary for the ‘health’ of this organic system to fully extend its function, which explain why a capitalist society needs social inequality. Both the conflict approach and structural-functionalist approach explain inequality in terms of the macrostructure of the society, conflict theorists see the society as a war, while the functionalists see the society as a body and they both sees ‘inequality’ in a objective way(Scott, 2003).In contrast, the way symbolic interactionists see things are contradictory to the above approach. Symbolic interactions explain social inequality in a more subjective and micro-structural way. According to Blumer (1969), interactionists describe the society as the interaction among people, while human beings act based on the meaning of things have for them. From their perspective, th ere is no inherent equality or inequality. In such way, the meaning of social inequality are defined by individual’s interaction and it become a nteractive process, so terms like ‘inequality’ are used creatively for people to understand their world. (Scott, 2001) Therefore, when we consider the social inequality in capitalist society from interactionist perspective, how people feel about the existing inequality is putting into consideration. In this way, the sets of value and beliefs developed from people are the key to create an endurance of inequality. The ideology of people is developed through interaction and their own interpretation.Although capitalism has created a social inequality, it is still a dominant economic system throughout the world, why? This is because people feel fine about it and accept it. According to Marger (2005), a long-range stability and popular acceptance require the development of an effective ideology and its communication through so cialization. Parents interact with their children, friends interact with friends, workers interact with workers—–eventually they view the inequality of power, wealth and privilege as natural or even benefitical.Looking capitalism through the symbolic-interaction’s eye, sometime it is not only the system, capitalism, set up the latent ‘law’ that inequality must exist, it is rather comes from the interpretation of individual, and eventually emerge to the whole masses. Using the education system in Hong Kong as an example, competition is seen as natural. School is believed to be the place where people start accumulating human and social capital namely knowledge and relationships which contribute to their career. The concept ‘winner’ and ‘loser’ are incepted starting from school, it is a common beliefs among student to compete with others.They strive for getting into famous primary and secondary school and university. As we can see, not only the structure needs inequality, the masses needs inequality so that they are able fight for an opportunity. All in all, the three sociological perspectives focus on different aspects of the situation. From conflict-approach, it is believed that the inequality is inevitable due to the concept of class, there are always different class and social positions that create an inescapable social inequality.The seemingly fair democracy system can be seen as a cover to play down the existing inequality, and also a strategy of the ruling class, so there are actually hidden conflicts in the capitalist society. From the factionalist perspective, inequality is seen as a functional trait to create a healthy society, people with more capital (resources, knowledge, skills. etc) should occupy a more important roles in order to maintain a fine operation of the society, so social inequality is needed in a capitalist society.From the symbolic interactional perspective, the acceptance of s ocial inequality by the masses is put into concern. The interpretation of inequality is subjective and varying among people, thus through interaction between people, particular norms, beliefs and culture of capitalism is developed, and people trust that inequality is beneficial for the society. Not only in terms of the society’s structure, but also in terms of people under the capitalist structure, social inequality is a necessary evil in the capitalist society.Name: Luk Sze Ip Lydia Reference: Blumer, Herbert. (1969). Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Davis, Kingsley, Wilbert Moore. (1945). Some Principles of Stratification. American Sociological Review 10:242-249 Harris, Scott R. (2003). Critiquing and Expanding the Sociology of Inequality: Comparing Functionalist, Conflict, and Interactionist Perspectives. In Quarterly Journal of Ideology 25. P. 1-21. (Electronic journal) Harris, Scott R. (2001). What Can Interactionism C ontribute to the Study of Inequality? The Case of Marriage and Beyond. In Symbolic Interaction vol. 24:455-480. Wiley  on behalf of the  Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction Martin N. Marger. (2005). Social inequality—Patterns & Processes (3rd. edition). The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Neva R. Goodwin. Five Kinds of Capital: Useful Concepts for Sustainable Development. In Neva Goodwin. , et. al. (2003)Law and Socio-Economics of the American Association of Legal Scholars annual meeting.Medford MA 02155, USA Rigney, Daniel. (2001). The Metaphorical Society: An Invitation to Social Theory. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. Robert E. Goodin, . et. al. (2009) The Oxford handbook of Political Science. Oxford University Press. USA Schumpeter, Joseph A. (1942) 1950 Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy. 3d ed. New York: Harper; London: Allen & Unwin V. Orval Watts, (1975),Capitalism: Definition, Origin, and Dynamics. In Mark W. Hendrickson. (1992). the morality of capital ism. The Foundation for Economic

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Future of Cruise Industry

The Future of Cruise Industry Abstract Cruise industry has rapidly developing since 1990s; it becomes not only as transportation tool, but a modern way of travel and even lifestyle. It is regarded as ‘floating resorts’. This journal article focuses on the future development of cruising industry.It examines cruise industry on five main factors: the structure of the industry: high concentration and enter of Low-Cost cruise lines; the potential customers: whether aging population or young generation would be the major group of consumers; destinations and markets: define the most popular destinations and core markets, as well as the exploration of new markets and destinations; the new innovation of sea-based apartment, the safety and security issues, which significant raised concern recently; and whether the cruise industry is environmental sustainable.Three key sources are used to compare and contrast the viewpoints: Hospitality 2010, which is written by Dr. Cetron; Cruise Ship Tourism, written by Dr. Dowling; and the Cruise Ship Experience, written by Dr. Douglas. These key sources are very up-to-date and reliable, the key authors are admitted as experts whether in the business or academic field, their works are in line with the topic. This journal article identifies current situation and the future developing trends of the cruise industry. It concludes that he cruise industry has a very bright future if proper measurements and regulation are being introduced and well implemented.Nowadays, Cruise industry is concerned as the most rapid growing sector in hospitality industry, which the business is expanding by 8 percent annually. In some specific area such as Alaska and Caribbean, it remains the top industry that contributes to the economy. Cruising business is expanding and changing world-wide; however, the industry is little understood by the society. Today, ships are not viewed as a means of transport but as floating resorts. Mega ships were introd uced to carry more than 5,000 people; new ports on call and destinations are been discovered and on the way of developing the business.However, accomplished by the booming of the industry, several issues have been risen concerns on. This journal article will discuss six issues relate to the developing trends of cruise industry: the structure of the industry and further trends; the potential passengers; the existing and potential markets and destinations; the sea-based apartment—will it be popular; the concern of safety and security which is considered as primary factor due to the terrorist attacks; and the environmental issue: should corporations be self-guarded or forced to implement regulations.The thesis statement of the article is that cruise industry will overcome the difficulties and have a fortunate future. The secondary research is based on both quantitative and qualitative data, include case studies, statistics and in-depth interviews. To support the secondary data, a primary research was conducted in the form of questionnaire. The sample gathered fourty international students that majoring in hospitality and tourism management in Sydney. The sample was gained from the Carrick College, International College of Management, Sydney and Holmes College.The nationalities are varies, include Sweden, Norwegian, Australian, Japanese, Korean and Chinese. The questionnaire combines ‘Yes or No’ questions, multiple choices and short answers. These questions are in line with secondary data that discussed in the journal article, identify whether people are interested and willing to experience cruising in the future. The aim of primary research is to explore whether the responses are support or against Dr Dowling (2006), Dr. Cetron (2006) and Dr. Douglas (2004)’ findings. Literature ReviewIdeas from two key sources are used to compare and contrast in this journal article. The first key source is chapter 8 from Hospitality 2010, which is wri tten by Dr. Marvin J. Cetron, who is a professional forecaster for over 40 years admitted both by corporate and American government. He is admitted as an expert in the fields of technological forecasting, strategic planning, technology assessment, R&D planning, resource allocation, economics, marketing, and the behavioral sciences. Dr. Cetron has written 36 books, numerous articles and papers.His most popular works are future orientated. Hospitality 2010 is written in the form of business report and is considered American biased (Hall, 2007); Chapter 8 explores most of the aspects of cruising industry briefly which brought out discussion. It examines potential trends and problems such as waste management, aging population and future destinations that are particularly useful for this journal article. Dr. Ross K. Dowling is Foundation Professor and Head of Tourism in the School of Marketing, Tourism and Leisure, Faculty of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University, Western Australi a.Professor Dowling is an international speaker, author, researcher and consultant on tourism with over 200 publications. He is passionate about Cruise Industry and he has lectured on board Silver Cloud around the east coast of Australia and New Zealand. The second source: Cruise Ship Tourism is the first comprehensive academic book to raise the awareness of cruise industry. It analyses current status of cruise industry and investigates a number of industry issues and predicts the future trends. This book gives clear direction from academic viewpoint. The third key source is The Cruise Experience written by Dr.Norman Douglas and Dr. Ngaire Douglas. Dr. Norman Douglas is Director of Pacific Profile and has taught at the University of New South Wales, the University of the South Pacific, Fiji and the University of Hawai’i. Dr. Ngaire Douglas is Associate Professor in the School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW. The Cruise Experience examines cruising today, the economic impacts of cruising, and case studies from various perspectives. The Structure of Cruise Industry No doubt, three major companies control about 80% of the cruise market worldwide.The top three companies are Carnival Corporation, Royal Caribbean and Star Cruise. While the cruise industry’s capacity is increasing, the number of cruise companies is shirking. Douglas (2004) states that the move towards oligopoly will continually contribute to the disappearance of the mid-sized independent cruise companies which are rating from three-to-four star; only companies which have their own niche market or have strong economic background will survive. Furthermore, the Carnival Corporation aims not only the ‘world leading cruise lines’, but ‘the world only cruise line’.It means more cruise lines would likely be merged in the future; the concentration in the industry is possibly to increase even further (Dowling, 2006). Klein (2002) identifies bankruptcies as another reason for high concentration of the industry. In 2000 and 2001, seven cruise companies have ceased operations, include Premier Cruises, Commodore Cruise Line, Cape Canaveral Cruise Line and World Cruise Company, which eliminated more than 7,000 berths. Klein (2002) observes that the cruise industry’s expansion would be greater if the bankruptcies were not happened. Besides concentration that highly emphasised by experts, Dr.Dowling (2006) argues that Low Cost Cruising would make a significant growth of the industry. For example, Low Budget ‘no-frills’ style airlines had made a success in 2000s, such as Midway Airlines and SunJet Airlines. In 2005, the founder of one of the Low Cost airlines, EasyJet, has started a Low Cost no frills cruise line EasyCruise in Europe, targeted at younger generation between 20 and 40 years old; more than half of the customers are British, followed by Americans, Germans and the Swiss. Dr. Do wling (2006) asserts that there will be a rapidly growing niche market for low cost cruises. Potential PassengersAccording to Dr. Dowling (2006), a recent survey has shown that the passengers are becoming more youthful and are demanding more active itineraries. Take example of Alaska, the average age of passengers has fallen from 65 to 50 during 2004-2005. Furthermore, Dr. Dowling (2006) claims that family orientated cruises is becoming increasingly popular and will become a major niche market in future. Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA, 2004) showed 16% of cruisers bring children under age of 18 years sailed on their member line ships in 2004, which estimated number of more than one million. Dr.Cetron (2006) agrees that younger travelers form a profitable market for family cruising; to build up brand loyalty is one of the biggest advantages of catering them, cruise companies considered them as the most profitable cruisers for their later lives. Dr. Dowling (2006) observ es that compare to younger generation, the number of full-time retirees is declining due to the fact that mid-career baby boomers now make up the largest market for cruises of 42%. In contrast, Dr. Cetron (2006) strongly argued that due to the fact that people are living longer and growing older on average, these people make up a growing segment of the cruise market.According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, people over 65 were only 8% of the population in 1950 in the developed world, but 15% in 2000 and will be 27% in 2050. In some countries like Japan, the number will climb up to 37%. Secondly, senior generation take the longest and most luxurious cruises. Different from family and budget-minded passengers, elder people prefer small ships and regardless of the money just to have good times. They would be very profitable for cruise operators. Thirdly, Dr.Cetron (2006) believes that the growth of over 65 market will moderate the regular seasonality of tourism, because retirees can travel at any time; this can help cruise operators to adjust their cash flow. In addition, some cruise lines have already targeted retirees as core market and adjust their service to suit the market; Dr. Cetron (2006) recommends this market has potential consuming strength that could definitely increase revenue for the cruise company; others should follow their lead. New Markets and Destinations A number of new markets and destinations are rapidly recognised in the cruise sector.Dr. Cetron (2006) illustrates that by 2010, China is expected to be the single largest source of international tourists in the world, displacing Americans, Japanese and Germans. He predicts that 100 million Chinese will travel globally in 2020; even 1% of them take cruise trip, the market size will be more than doubled. In the meanwhile, although Dr. Dowling (2006) concerns China as a potential market as well, he suggests more studies should be conducted before enter of the market to und erstand and explore the possibility to develop cruise industry in China. Another emerging cruise destination both Dr.Cetron (2006) and Dr. Dowling (2006) have strongly emphasised is the Indian Ocean. South Africa and the Eastern African ports have already established some trade, 0. 2% of the world market, as Dr. Dowling (2006) states; the National Ports Authority is working on the development of the cruise industry in this region in order to ensure that efficient, effective services and facilities are provided to cruise liners to populate the South African coastline. As Dr. Cetron (2006) observes, cruise lines will begin to offer cruises and on board amenities suited native Indian’s taste and serve the local market.A New Innovation: Sea-based Apartment Dr. Dowling (2006) states that another area of potential expansion in the future is the rise of service apartment ships. These type of ships represent another type of community, the service include Clinique, swimming pools, sev eral restaurants, grocery stores tennis court, disco, book store, mini golf course and helicopter pad. Already there is one privately owned residential cruise liner, the world, which houses 110 apartments that have already sold out, running the business. The residents mainly come from Europe and the USA.However, some apartments usually being left empty and treated as holiday homes. Dr. Dowling (2006) concludes that the possibility of whether sea-based apartment is a new opportunity for cruise lines or just a short term fashion will be identified by time. Safety and Security Anderson (2005) described security issues facing cruise industry include piracy, terrorism, drug smuggling, sexual assault and stowaways (Dowling, 2006). Piracy is a form of terrorism that exists for a long time. However, it has been largely ignored by the community due to the frequency of attacks. Dr.Dowling (2006) demonstrates the main cruise ships routes of piracy include the Straits and Malacca, the Red Sea a nd Indonesian and Malaysian waters. Another issue which has continually raising the concern is terrorism, despite of the infrequency of attack of cruise lines. The Caribbean has been identified as a major area of terrorist attack. Dr. Dowling (2006) detected that terrorist incidents within the cruise industry has been very rare, which is less than 2% of all terrorist attacks in the last thirty years. It may due to difficulty of accessibility and the specialist skills compare the way to attack land-based targets (Chalk, 2002).Dr. Cetron (2006) argued that cruise ships are ideal targets for terrorists who are willing to sacrifice themselves as they can take large number of people with them. The second reason is, as the government facilities and land-based buildings are becoming harder to attack, cruise ships are currently facing great risk. Furthermore, 94 percent of American rate the hotel safety as a primary factor in order to decide where to stay (Cetron, 2006). Regarding cruises a s floating hotels, terrorism becomes a top concern for passengers. Both Dr. Cetron (2006) and Dr.Dowling (2006) mentioned the highjack of the Italian cruise liner â€Å"Achille Lauro† in 1985, which a US citizen was killed. Great emphasis of improving passengers’ safety and security was implemented immediately after the attack. Even though, bomb threats on board have never stopped, accomplished by people being killed. Recently, The International Ship and Port Safety (ISPS) Code was fully implemented in order to control the situation. Dr. Dowling (2006) emphasises US and Australia have higher security measures than other countries to prevent terrorist attacks on maritime targets.In addition, Australia has some of the most secure ports in the world including the USA. Dr. Dowling (2006) concludes that there is little the industry can do to prevent terrorism, however, it can be minimised through better security both at sea and in port. In addition, Dr. Cetron predicts that the legislation will be much tighter in the future regarding to the prevention of terrorism on board. Environmental Sustainability: Environmental Policy Challenges The question has been raised that whether cruise industry is environment sustainable or not. As the primary survey shows, environmental issues are not being realised seriously by society.Surprisingly, 74 percent of the sample responded with no clue of what environmental impact the cruise industry would cause, which is very shock. In fact, the destinations that located in biodiversity hotspots are being highly concerned as they have the most diverse and threatened environments on Earth. The destinations include the Caribbean, The Mediterranean, Western Mexico, the Panama Canal Zone and the South Pacific. Over the last 40 years, the governments have already made some progress and implementing environmentally responsible legislation and policy guidelines.However, Furger (1997); Freeman (1997); Luke (1997) and Sinclair (1997 ) argues that â€Å"current debate shows ongoing progress will not be accomplished by government intervention alone† (cited in Dowling, 2006). To examine whether self-regulation and voluntary guidelines or control regulation is more suitable for the cruise industry, two case studies from Juneau, Alaska, USA and Sydney, NSW, Australia are examined in the article. No doubt, the state of Alaska has the strictest regulations for cruise ships in the world, as the state regards the industry as primary factor that contribute to the local economy.The sewage and grey water discharge are especially strict in Juneau. Dr. Dowling (2006) states The Clean Water Act in the USA allows sewage to be dumped into the ocean beyond 3 miles of shore but not navigable water. Grey Water can be discharged anywhere in the USA but Alaska and the Great Lakes. Once the legislation has set, cruise companies responded voluntarily and showed their enthusiasm to go beyond compliance, which effect their market ing, reputation and economic value. Their strategies include best practice management, eco-labelling and green marketing.In the meanwhile, innovative technology in the form of advanced on-board wastewater treatment facilities was introduced by the cruise industry that is commonly applied to the cruise ships today. However, Dr. Klein (2002) argues that environmental responsibility can never voluntarily assumed due to the disappointed history. Dr. Klein (2002) describes the pattern that most industry innovations follow is, deny their faulty behaviour, persuade government to not implement regulations, resist enforcement, and after being caught, announce new company’s regulations.He maintains that self-regulation is the way cruise companies to escape from being caught. The situation in Sydney is a reverse of Juneau, where ‘regulation stifles innovation and discourages beyond compliance behaviour’ (Dr. Dowling, 2006). The legislation of ‘no-discharge’ in Sydney has made shipping agents frustrated. In Juneau, those ships with the state-of-art wastewater systems can discharge continuously cannot make exceptions from no-discharge policy applies at Sydney Harbour.To reply these unhappy operators, Sydney ports argue that even advanced wastewater system installed in cruises, produce still excess nutrients (Sydney waterways, 2003). However, no-charge policy has made the new system become a financial liability to cruise companies. They have to afford the cost of installing and operating the system but still have to pay for sewage disposal. To reduce the cost, cruise companies use older ships with older technologies instead of new ships in Australia; they argue that the no-charge policy is actually posing a degree of harm to the environment, which because older ships poses even more environmental hazards.In summary, experts support various viewpoints: Sinclair (1997) noted that mix of policy mechanisms and technological innovation should be involved; Klein (2002) asserts the industry requires strong legislations to control the corporations’ behaviour; on the other hand, Rondinelli (2000) believes more industry self-regulation would work. The key author Dr. Dowling (2006) concludes that due to the failure of corporations to build up their credibility and continually being caught and charged, cruise companies should not be trusted by self-regulation; Dr.Dowling (2006) observes strong legislation would best control the disposal issue and maintains environmental sustainability efficiently. Conclusion It is obvious cruise industry is big business; not only for cruise operators, but valuable for many nations, cities, ports and communities. Just in North American region in 2004, it provided 135,000 jobs and contributed US$30 billion on the US economy, which increased more than 18% over the previous year.The business structure will be very similar to the current airline industry, which dominate by oligopolists but small growing sector for Low Cost cruises; and these large companies might implement predation strategy, increase the frequency of sailing routes and depress the prices to drive Cost cruises out, like what American Airline did in 1990s. Secondly, the passengers will not only be concentrated on elder generation, but involved all age groups; different cruise lines will particularly target different groups when considering purchase new vessels and planning market strategies.Thirdly, the progress of developing cruise industry in developing countries is on their ways, the future markets and destinations will not be only in developed nations, but spread globally. Next, the trend of sea-based apartment is difficult to predict, but due to the luxury and extremely high price of purchasing, one thing cannot deny that it is entertain for upper class only. Furthermore, due to the continue impact from terrorist attack and risen concern from passengers, the policy of safety and security will be increa singly tighter with new detecting technology involved.Lastly, the environmental sustainability issue will never be finished the discussion. In my opinion, doesn’t matter what action people take into account, when there is human activities, it will be no longer sustainability. However, due to the fact that it is merely impossible for human being to stop discovering the Earth, what government and non-profitable orgnisations can do is to minimise our influence to the environment, establish more policies to regulate and strict activities with monitoring, because I believe deeply that self-regulation will never work, as long as the improper discharge of wastes can save their cost.At the very end, I strongly believe the cruise industry will have a very bright future, for the cruise operators, the consumers, the employment, the society and the governments. References Cetron, M. (2006). Hospitality 2010— the Future of Hospitality and Travel. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall D owling, R. K. (2006). Cruise Ship Tourism. London: CABI. Douglas, N. & Douglas, N. (2004). The Cruise Experience – Global and Regional Issues in Cruising. London: CABI. Ebersold, W. B. Business Briefing: Global Cruise– Cruise Industry in Figures. 2004). [Online]. Available: http://www. touchbriefings. com/pdf/858/ebersold. pdf [Accessed 2008, April 1]. Klein, A. R. (2002). Cuise Ship Blues—The Underside of the Industry. Canada: New Society Publishers Ye, W. China’s Cruise Economy is Ready to Bloom. (2007). [Online]. Available: http://www. ccyia. com/english/News_View. asp? NewsID=154 [Accessed 2008, March 31]. Choi, C. Q. (2007, March 25). Cruise Lines Face More Policing of Waste Disposal. The New York Times. P5. Appendix Survey on Cruise Industry 1. Have you ever been taken a cruise trip?Yes No 2. Are you willing to take a cruise trip in the future? Yes No Not sure 3. Which type of cruise do you prefer? A. Small luxury ships with personalised service B. Big ships, 1000 – 2000 passengers, probably need to Queue for amenities/facilities C. Budgeted cruise trip 4. Who would you likely to travel with? A. Friends B. Family C. Alone 5. How many days do you prefer to spend on cruising? A. 3 days B. 3 to 7 days C. 14 days D. A month 6. What is your spending expectation during the stay on a cruise?A. AU$50 to 100 B. AU$100 To 300 C. More than AU$300 7. Is there any destinations you wish to visit? Eg, the Caribbean, Alaska, Australia round trip, Antarctic, Malaysia/Indonesia, China 8. Why you choose cruise trips but not land-based hotels/resorts? Give one or more reasons. 9. What is the most important factor that you consider when choosing a route or cruise line? 10. Do you know the cruise lines are damaging the environment especially the marines? If yes, what things should be done to prevent/reduce the impact of cruise industry?

Monday, July 29, 2019

Article review and analyze Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Article review and analyze - Essay Example The situation was getting out of hand and many people decided to change their citizenship to fit the favored party. Though most of these people were fighting for Canada, many innocent lives were lost. This was due to the advantage they would gain by fighting for this particular party. This situation shows that people were willing to fight for their rights irrespective of the conditions. Though there were looming attacks, children were protected and shielded away from any attacks. As a matter of fact, many children were not aware of the situation. All they could see were changes in their lifestyle and constant relocation. A better part of the Japanese Canadians was on the receiving end. This was a brainchild of racism as they were not considered worthy members of the society. For instance, a photo shows the Japanese Canadian internment in 1942. They are walking in unison along the streets since they have a point of commonality. However, some people had to go to greater lengths in expressing their commitment and willingness to prove their support (Nelson education ltd 2011). For instance, the author’s father had to volunteer in building the trans-Canada highway. Though some people were willing to show their support, they were still branded as enemies. This was through sheer protection of other family members that had settled at the stated place. Apparently, th e author states that his father did not want them to be relocated from Vancouver. Though there was immense pressure to relocate, males in the family had to consider all avenues of stabilizing their families. They did not want any danger to befall their families. For instance, the author’s father did everything to make sure the children were not facing any danger or pain. In the turn of events, children still had perfect stay in the affected area as an effort of their parents.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

My Aunts Wedding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

My Aunts Wedding - Essay Example I had known my aunt as a flower enthusiast and therefore, hoped that her wedding would be the most colorful wedding. True to my speculation, the wedding arena was overly beautified with all kinds of flowers. The weather was chilly in the morning but the chilly weather gave way to warm and calm weather in mid-morning. As we arrived at the church where the wedding would take place, I could feel the serenity of the compound, which was fully decorated with flowers, balloons, and ribbons of different colors. The background of classic gospel music complemented the beautiful environment. We were among the first to arrive and therefore sat at the front seat. After approximately an hour, many people had arrived and the church was already full. Everybody was happy and wore cheerful faces. It was such a wonderful scene to watch how people dress in their best outfits to match such an important occasion. The bride and the groom arrived shortly thereafter and the ceremony began. The highly awaited moment arrived and the pastor facilitated the exchange of vows. The climax of the wedding happened when the pastor told the bride that he might now kiss the bride. Although my aunt was covered in a wedding veil, I could see the tears of joy in her eyes. I had never imagined that joy could be so overwhelming. The screams from the audience were so loud at this moment that it drowned the pastor’s voice. Since the wedding reception was taking place in the social hall in the next building, we had to proceed there in a procession. The flower girls led the procession and the newlywed followed. Each step of the procession followed the slow beats from the background music. Although it took a lot of time, we finally found ourselves inside the decorated reception hall. I noticed the big and colored wedding cake, which had candles of different lights.  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Paper on Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Paper on Language - Essay Example Another more recent definition of language is given by Michael Holiday. According to him: "Language is a range of possibilities, an open-ended set of options in behavior that are available to the individual in his existence as social man. The context of culture is the environment of any particular selection that is made from within them ... The context of culture defines the potential, the range of possibilities that are open. The actual choice among these possibilities takes place within a given context of situation." This definition is much more encompassing as it highlights that language is not just through the use of vocal or oral symbols but a range of possibilities. Man communicates through speech, writing, and still other means are introduced in this digital age. A human also engage in non-verbal communication through his actions and entire behavior. Holiday also asserts that language can only fully understood in the context of the culture of the speaker or his lexicon. Lexicon is defined as the "knowledge of that the speaker has about a language." This includes information about the form and meaning of the words and phrases, lexical categorization, the appropriate usage of words, relationship between words and phrases, and categories of words and phrases. b. Evaluate the key features of language. The understanding of language can be acquired by evaluating its key features (Design features of Language 2007). 1. Duality of patterning is a basic principle in human language. This feature of language provides an economic way for human beings to create an infinite set of linguistic units. It should be noted that the individual sounds comprising language is meaningless in themselves. Yet, these sounds can be combined together in other to become produce an infinite number of "meaningful utterances." 2. Displacement refers to the unique sense of time in human beings. As opposed to animals, humans have the ability to separate the past from the future and can talk about these time spheres. 3. Open-endedness describes the ability of humans to add new words to the current set of words. This is illustrated by the words which are coined according to our new experiences and innovations which augment, enhance, and even modify our language. 4. Arbitrariness refers to the lack of "natural or essential relationship" between to the words and the objects they refer to. This also highlights that the meaning of the words are constructed through social conventions. 5. Vocal-auditory channel is the feature of human language which sets it apart from animals. Human's communication is through the ears and the mouth and not through other channels like nose or eyes. c. Describe the four levels of language structure and processing. There are four levels of language structure and processing namely, grammar, logic, semantics, and general semantics. Grammar relations refer to the words to words relationship within a sentence without considering the relation of each sentence to another. Logic takes a step further by looking at the statement to statement relationships by evaluating subjects and predicates in an

Friday, July 26, 2019

Market Segmentation and Muslim Loyalty Assignment

Market Segmentation and Muslim Loyalty - Assignment Example The purpose of this literature review is to investigate published literature on general market segmentation theory, the impact of that segmentation practice upon loyalty and customer satisfaction within various constituencies, the application of those principles specifically to the Muslim community, as well as frame a research inquiry to test the theory of the segmentation approach to the Muslim market within a specific retail setting. Within any market, there are many different constituencies with commonalities in product need; and these varied customers can be divided or segmented into groups which may share a similar need for any particular product. As Claycamp and Massy point out, "markets and the customers who make up those markets are not homogeneous" (1968, p. 34), and any company utilizing a successful business model will need to group those customers according to their similarities so that products can be tailored to meet demand. As early as the middle of the 20th century, the idea of dividing a market into groups of customers who share a similar need or desire for a particular product, i.e., segmentation, was advanced (Smith, 1956, pp. 3-8). The principle of segmentation is relatively straightforward; by successfully targeting a specific consumer group with particular needs, the company can focus its product development and promotional strategies into meeting those needs and gain a competitive edge (Abel l, 1980, p. 8). While there are those who see an overemphasis on segmentation as "ironic" and "lead[ing] a direction that is opposite of what is really needed to build brand loyalty" (Anshuetz, 1997, p. 65), the vast majority of scholars would concur with Swenson that market segmentation experts are carefully regarded in the corporate world and that the "continued segmentation" of markets can certainly be expected to propel business forward "well into the twenty-first century" (1990, p. xiii). It should be noted that product differentiation is an important aspect of gaining market share and, because market segmentation should be used to increase the market share of a product within those segments as well, "product differentiation and market segmentation should be used together" (Greco, et al., 2003, p. 210). While these principles are true within domestic markets, they are particularly applicable to those companies engaged in international retail business. As Craft notes, prior to the mid-1970s, "market segmentation was viewed primarily as a domestic strategy" (2004, p. 40) and there was little scholarship with regard to international marketing theory. In 1972, however, Wind and Douglas recognized the nature as well as direction of global business and argued that segmentation was not just for domestic sales, but might be even more important in international markets due to the fact that they are more diverse (1972, pp. 17-25). As will be demonstrated in subsequent sections, the segmentation of the Muslim market by international companies, particularly those in the retail grocery industry, is critical. In Craft's study, it was noted that the organizations under

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Soviet Military and Nazi Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Soviet Military and Nazi - Research Paper Example In fact, the survival and prosperity of these countries depended entirely on the outcome of this war. It should be noted that previously, Adolf Hitler had signed a non-aggression pact with Stalin in order to safeguard Germany from a possible invasion from the Soviet Union.1 The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was signed in August 1939. This pact was an agreement that the parties were not to attack each other and in case one of the parties was to be attacked by a third party, the other country was to uphold neutrality. Also, this agreement secretly divided Europe into various spheres to suit the interest of Germany and Russia. The aggression of Germany under Adolf Hitler made it to gain control of large parts of Europe. By 1940, Hitler had conquered most of the European countries including France, Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands. In fact, Germany was in control of the entire Europe save for the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom. The Germans had succeeded to dislodge British army from most parts of Europe although they had not succeeded to make the United Kingdom surrender. After these swift victories, the Nazi army had become invincible. Hitler had the opportunity to force the United Kingdom into a peace agreement by putting up a naval and air siege against it. However, Hitler was untrusting of the Soviet Union and thought that Russians would offer assistance to the United Kingdom despite the non-aggression pact. Hitler made plans to wage war against the Russians with an aim of solidifying their power in the entire Europe and weakening any potential resistance from the United Kingdom. Notably, Hitler highly underestimated the military potential of the Soviet Union and he anticipated a quick and comprehensive win.3 The Nazi Army prepared for war against the Russians under the name of Operation Barbarossa in July 21, 1940. The operation was under the supervision of the renowned German military strategist General Frederick Paulus. In the preparat ory stages of the war, Hitler informed his generals that the aim of the war was to destroy any potential hope of support for the United Kingdom. Hitler believed that the destruction of the Soviet Union would inevitably lead to the withdrawal of US support for the United Kingdom. Hence, the United Kingdom would be significantly vulnerable and make it easier for Germans to attack it. Hitler further believed that the military system of Russia was so poor that any Russian response to the invasion would take a very long time. Adding to the fact that the Soviet Union did not have a system for the reinforcement of the combat divisions and activation of the reserves, Hitler believed that the war against the Soviet Union would be won quickly. According to the plan by Hitler, the Russians were going to be defeated in less than three months. Hitler strategized that the ground troops were going to play the main role in the campaign while the air force engaged the United Kingdom in military acti ons. The attack on the Russians was planned to be three pronged, from the North, South and the Center. One of the most important aims of the Nazi army was to capture the main cities of Russia which were Moscow and Leningrad. The capture of these cities would significantly demoralize the Red Army and tilt the scales of victory in favor of the Germans. Moscow was the capital city while Leningrad was the cradle of the Industrial Revolution. By capturing these cities, the Germans would gain control of the largest industrial centers and railway exchanges of the Soviet Union.4 However, after the onset of the war things did not go according to the plan of the Nazi army. As the war raged on, it became clear

International Business Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4

International Business Strategy - Essay Example 30% of the 1100 joint ventures shaped before 1967 between one of the US firm and the company from the other developed nation did not survive largely due to organisational or strategic changes made by the management (Killing, 1982). The paper attempts to explore some key reasons behind the failure of large IJVs; at the same, it will also find the specific success factors of IJVS in emerging economies. Cultural difference between partners is considered one of the principal reasons that come in the way to the success of joint ventures. Before forming a joint venture, the companies do not conduct compatibility analysis. Most of the time, their management style differs from each other. One could be more decentralised in its decision making process while the other partner believes in more control and does not provide enough freedom to its line staff. Even after forming a joint venture, no efforts are made to create a suitable mix among the staff making the joint venture nonfunctioning. Farkas and Avny (2003) argue, "Difference in organizational culture is the reason for performance gaps in joint ventures rather than national culture differences. They also state, "The influence of cultural difference on the performance of international joint ventures is indirect, but highly influenced by the level of trust between its partners†. The researchers studied those joint ventures where one of the partners hailed from Israel. Cultural differences between western multinational enterprises and Japanese companies have also been determined as the factor behind the failures of their joint ventures (Brown et al. 1989). Chryslers merger with Daimler is worth mentioning here that could not evoke successful outcomes due to cultural mismatch between them. The Chrysler division was a profitable division prior to merger but its performance deteriorated after the merger. Management undertook several layoffs at Chrysler following the merger that was never anticipated in the beginning.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Character description of Elizabeth from the novel book Pride and Essay

Character description of Elizabeth from the novel book Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - Essay Example At a ball, Lizzy Bennet is insulted by Mr.Darcy, when he refuses Mr.Bingely's offer of an introduction to her. But Lizzy reports this slight to her friends in jest. Her playful and easy going nature are revealed by this incident. When Lizzy and Jane are discussing Mr.Bingely's sisters, Lizzy shows herself to be very observant. Also according to the author, her judgment is not troubled by any self absorption and her temper is also not as pliant as her sister's. Lizzy's physical appearance is described as being light and pleasing by Mr.Darcy. Though he initially remarks that there is not one pleasing feature in her face, he admits that the intelligence in her dark eyes have a charm all their own which renders her face intelligent. Her manners are also said to be playful if not exactly fashionable. After his initial dislike, Mr.Darcy reverses his opinion and tries to get to know her better. But Lizzy sticks to her initial opinion of him and refuses to give him a chance. She is sarcastic in conversation with him and assumes that he is continuing to judge her poorly, not being aware of the reversal in his opinion. Sometime later an invitation arrives, asking Miss Jane to come to tea at Netherfield, the residence of Mr.Bingely. Due to a mishap she falls ill and is forced to stay the night.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Export in Pakistan from the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Export in Pakistan from the UK - Essay Example By transferring knowledge and gaining perspective a company can strengthen its position as an international firm and increase its competitive advantage all over the globe (Czinkota and Ronkainen, 2007 p 21-23). The process of development, executing the commencement, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services all over the globe, anywhere in the world, to create exchanges that can suit and satisfy the organisational objectives is called the concept of international marketing. Through effective marketing a company can expand its operations anywhere in the world (Srinivasan, 2005 p 3-5). The company would follow the concept of BRIC and would incorporate theories related to these advancing economies. It would also put forward as to if the business is business to business (B2B) or business to consumer). Selected Product The product introduced is Dinner in the Sky. This unique idea will take the experience of dining to a whole new level. The restaurant itself will be s uspended on cables and the customers will enjoy their food literally in sky. The mission of the restaurant is not only to concentrate on the food quality but also to have an environment providing well-organised and friendly entertainment and to ensure maximum level of customer satisfaction at the Dinner in the Sky. Dinner in the Sky has its head office in Guildford UK. Each event will be available for a session of 8 hours which can be planned and personalised according to the customer’s requirements. The service provides the accommodation capacity of 350 people per session. The beauty of this service is that it can be arranged anywhere as long as the venue provides support for the restaurant structure. The main purpose of the service is to provide exclusivity and unique enjoyment with utmost measures of safety ( After the initial response provided by the market it is the intention to provide various other services through this service as well, like organis ing events related to marriage or showbiz activities. This service is currently being provided in more than 15 countries and through this service the advertisements promoted by the company are providing many other organisations benefits as well. Country and Market Segment Selection The opportunity of growing the business globally is always a value addition to the shareholder’s equity, but for that purpose it is essential that the decisions relating to global expansion should be made carefully. Just selecting the market segment is not everything, it has to be ensured that that market segment will also generate profits for the company that would in turn increase the value of the investments for the shareholders of the company. The target for the launch of this service after being launched successfully in more than 15 countries is India. India is counted as one of the growing economies

Monday, July 22, 2019

Of Mice and Men - Essay - Lonely Characters Discussion Essay Example for Free

Of Mice and Men Essay Lonely Characters Discussion Essay In the opening chapter of Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck immediately introduces the theme of loneliness and the reality of men living very temporary lives with no real direction. Loneliness is an inevitable fact of life that not even the strongest can avoid. Throughout the story, readers discover many sources of loneliness and isolation. Candy is an old ranch worker who lost his hand a few years back while working. He is a lonely man who owns an old, smelly, disabled dog that can hardly walk. This really was his only companion. In the end his dog was shot. Candys life was heading in the isolation direction even further. The quote on page 59 Spose I went in with you guys. Thats three hundred and fifty bucks Id put in. Howd that be? This was his effort to try and join in with George and Lennies dream ranch. Crooks is a black Negro Stable Buck who wears glasses and has a busted back. He is an extremely lonely man and probably the loneliest in the novel due to his complexion. He is treated by the others in a rude manner and is left sitting in his little room helpless with an uncomfortable bed which makes his back worse. The quote on page 67-68 You got no right to come into my room. This heres my room. Nobody got any right in here but me. This is how he reacted to the treatment he was getting, but in the end he was quiet a nice guy to know. Curleys Wife is a very lonely woman who wears red mules, has red fingernails, full rouged lips and hair rolled in clusters. She has no name throughout the entire book to reinforce how insignificant a person she is. Her life with her husband was nothing to do with loving each other because she didnt even like Curley because he was not a nice bloke. The quote on page 87 Coulda been in the movies, an had nice clothes tells us that her ambition was to become an actor. In the end she ended up being murdered by Lennie after trying to become his friend. George and Lennie, although unhappy at times, are not lonely, because they share a very close bond with each other, and have traveled together ever since Lennies Aunt Clara died. The only thing that seems to keep them working for next to nothing is the thought of owning their own ranch someday. In the final chapter Lennie states triumphantly on page 103 An I got you. We got each other, thats what, that gives a hoot in hell about us. In the end George felt he had to shoot Lennie himself, so that he would die instantly, rather than suffer as Curley killed him slowly and painfully. Lennies murder was Georges final act of friendship. But it also ended their long friendship and now George would be lonely as he traveled around from job to job. In conclusion the loneliest people in this story are Crooks, Candy and Curleys Wife. The friendship between George and Lennie was a strong bond all throughout the story, but it all ended when tragically George shot Lennie because he could no longer protect him any further.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Overview of Germanys Culture

Overview of Germanys Culture Germany Germany is one of the most beautiful country in the world. It is located in the central Europe. Nearly 82 million people live in Germany. It is one of the most populated country in the world, especially in Europe. Many of Germans came from Russia and other countries. There are many foreigners inhabit Germany like Serbs, Italian, Greek and Turkish people. German is considered one of the most progressive and dynamic country in the world. Berlin is the capital of Germany. It is located in the northeastern place of the country. Berlin is the fantastic and biggest city in Germany. German language is the major language in Germany. Around 95 percent of people in Germany speaks German. The flag of Germany consists of three color. Theses colors are black, red, and gold. Black, red, and gold colors represent big role in the history of Germany. The colors of Germany adopted in 1949. The president Germany is the head state of the country. The president in German is elected and valid for the presidency for five years. Frank-Walter Steeinmerier is in the head of the state Germany. Germany is governed under the democratic constitution of 1949. This democratic constitution became the constitution in 1990. The president in Germany has little effect on government. Germany has one currency. Euro is the currency in German. One Euro in Germany equals 3.853 QAR. There are many interesting festival in Germany like Christmas and New Years. There are many holidays in Germany. The first day in Germany in May, is called the national day of Germany. There are many touristic attractions in Germany. Munish city is one of the beautiful city in Germany. Many people in the world visit it daily. Parks, forests, gardens and many other beautiful sights covered the city. Cologne city also one of the attraction city in the world. It is considered the fourth biggest city in Germany. About thirty museums are founded in Cologne. Every year more than 6 million tourists visit the city because it have a unique position. German is famous for fashion. It is the site of many fashions such as Mercedes, Benz and clothing. Many new fashion made first in Germany. There are many clothes fashion produced in Germany and exported many clothes to other country. People in Germany go and celebrate together in carnival season at the Oktoberfest and wine festivals. Germany is one of the biggest importer and exporter country. The goods and services are the most exporter in Germany. We cant forget the best mechanical engineering, vehicles and mobiles are produced in Germany. Most goods that Germany imports come from Netherlands and China. Medical, iron of steel products, paper, medical, medical equipment and other chemical goods are the most German imports from Netherland and China. There are many famous persons in all field in Germany.   Albert Einstein is the famous person in Germany. He is considered the father of physics. We cant forget the famouse player football in Germany who was called Gerd Muller. He was born in 1945. He was the best player football in Germany. Anne Frank is the famous writer in Germany. She was born in 1929. She wrote many notes about war in 1947.Hans Bellmer is the best artist in Germany. In Germany, Music is the source of entertainment for a long time. There are many musicians in Germany like Jackson Browne and Robert Schumann. There are many sports in Germany but the most popular sports in Germany are football and tennis. There are many tapes of dancing in Germany. In the 18th century, the dance waltz is the oldest type dancing in German. For the literature aspect in Germany, literature was responsible of sharing history and politics in Germany. References Country reports. (2017, Feb 15). Germany Facts and Culture. Retrieved from Flippo, H. (2016, Aug 14). Retrieved from German-Holidays-and-Celebrations: Hennig, B. (2010, Oct 3). The Population of Germany. Retrieved from Reference. (2017, Feb 15). What is Germany famous for? Retrieved from The Famous People. (15, Feb 2017). Famous Germans. Retrieved from The famous

Opinions on Referral Guidelines from Audiology to ENT

Opinions on Referral Guidelines from Audiology to ENT

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Use of Biblical Imagery in Cather’s Sapphira and the Slave Girl :: Cather Sapphira Slave Girl Essays

Use of Biblical Imagery in Cather’s Sapphira and the Slave Girl Throughout "Sapphira and the Slave Girl", Cather uses Biblical imagery to depict critical events. Specifically, Nancy's flight to freedom, and Mary's overcoming a potentially fatal illness. Cather continually uses Biblical imagery when describing Nancy's journey out of slavery and into freedom. For example, Mr. Colbert sees Nancy as going "up out of Egypt to a better land", clearly connecting her with flight of Hebrew slaves out of Egypt in the Bible. Connecting Nancy's escape to the Biblical pilgrimage of Moses to the "promised land" serves to reinforce the underlying righteousness of her actions-- as well as the inherent evil of slavery. In depicting her actual journey, the reader once again encounters Biblical allusions. This occurs in Cather's description of the black preacher who will protect Nancy on her way to Canada. Cather portrays this man almost as a disciple, his voice being described as "solemn yet comforting" sounding "like the voice of prophecy" (239). Ascribing such a sage-like persona to this man solidifies the righteousness of both Nancy's, and Mrs. Blake's, efforts to defy slavery's bonds. Mary's "communion" strikes me as another important event whereby Cather uses Biblical imagery. In this particular incident-- which invariably saves Mary's life-- she "walking in her sleep" drinks the bowl of broth intended for Mr. Fairhead (259). Cather depicts Mary as preternatual, being "a white figure" which "drifted"--rather than walked-- "across the indoor duskiness of the room" (259). Mary, seemingly in an altered state, in guided by what one can interpret as instinct, or "divine forces", which lead her to the soup. Similar to the black preacher's voice, Mr. Fairhead sees Mary's actions as "something solemn. . . like a communion service" (259). From a Catholic perspective, the purpose of communion is receiving the "body" and "blood" of Christ, thereby receiving "new life". One can see, in this instance, why Cather would deliberately paint this scene in Biblical terms, because Mary-- wuote literally-- receives a new chance at life from the soup she drinks. Similar to Nancy's flight from slavery, Mary's drinking of the soup is an instance of an individual defying detrimental societal conventions. While taken as correct, the remedy for Mary and Betty's illness is not only wrong, but fatal. Cather thereby uses Biblical imagery to reinforce the righteousness of Mary's actions, even though they go against what society--specifically medicine-- sees as the "correct" course of treatment.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Larry Ellisons Contributions to Computer Technology Essay -- Technolo

Abstract Larry Ellison is among the top names in the computer industry. He has been fiercely competitive with Bill Gates over the years. That competitive nature may very well be the driving force behind some of his contributions to the world of computer technology. Childhood and Education It is important to understand the background and education of Larry Ellison in order to understand what drives and motivates him in his adult life. Ellison was not a child of privilege. He did not grow up with parents who were scientists or pushed him to excel. According Wikipedia, Larry Ellison was born to a 19 year old unwed Jewish mother who felt compelled to give him up to her aunt and uncle to raise him. He grew up in a two bedroom apartment in a Jewish community in South Shore Chicago. Academy of Achievement website states in the biography about Ellison, he left the University of Illinois during second year final exams when his adoptive mother died. Later that fall he enrolled in the University of Chicago but dropped out after the first semester. Academy of Achievement goes on to say, â€Å"His adoptive father was now convinced that Larry would never make anything of himself, but the seemingly aimless young man had already learned the rudiments of computer programming in Chic ago.† CEO of Software Development Labs According to Academy of Achievement, Ellison moved to California where he worked with a few different companies. One of those companies was Amdahl Corporation where Ellison was able to participate in building the first IBM-compatible mainframe system. Ellison and two other co-workers pursued founding a new company named Software Development Labs. Ellison functioned as CEO of this newly founded company. It was at this company h... ...n Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved August 15, 2010, from "Larry Ellison Biography -- Academy of Achievement." Academy of Achievement Main Menu. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Aug. 2010. "What are relational databases?†. (March 23, 2001). Retrieved August 15, 2010. "Larry Ellison 1944 - Biography - Early life, Software development laboratories, Relational databases, Building oracle, Maturity, The internet revolution, Downturn." Reference For Business - Encyclopedia of Small Business, Business Biographies, Business Plans, and Encyclopedia of American Industries. N.p., n.d. Retrieved August 16, 2010.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Body Image Essay -- Weight Health Body Image Essays

Body Image   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  "Just Be" is a familiar slogan to the current American culture. It is the slogan of a well-known designer, Calvin Klein, who, in his advertisements, supposedly promotes individuality and uniqueness. Yet, Calvin Klein, along with all known designers, does not have overweight or unattractive people on his billboard ads, on his runways, in his magazine pictures or on his television commercials. Moreover, the movie, music and the mass media corroborate with the fashion industry in setting and advertising a certain standards for a physical ideal of a human body. Such propaganda promotes the public into depriving themselves of needed nutrition and generates eating disorders within people in order to fit the set standard of the physical ideal. The negative attitude towards overweight population of the modern society is a sociocultural phenomenon. Yet, historically the negativity towards excess in weight was not constant. If one examines the artwork as relatively recent as the works of the Renaissance period, it can be witnessed that women who were somewhat "chunky," were considered beautiful and they were painted and sculpted. "Fleshy" men and women are in the masterpieces of such artist as Michelangelo, de Vinci, Rafael, Goya y Lucientes and etc. Love handles, fat deposits and skin folds were regarded as attractive and were applauded. Cleopatra, for example, was praised for her beauty, yet by modern standards she would be considered overweight. Aphrodite, the goddess of love and the image of perfection, is also viewed as overweight and thickset in the contemporary society and would not be painted or sculpted as "heavy set" as she has been created previously. Nonetheless, she was painted in accordance with the timely regar ds of beauty. Thus, it   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2 may be observed that during that time frame, as well as during most of the historic periods, the full figured body was preached as normal and ideal and was, though not as intensely and as high-tech, commercialized to the public and society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The change in the beauty standard has been observed since 1970's, when beauty pageant contestants, actresses and models began to continuously show a decrease in weight. The analysis of the weight of advertised models, contestants and playboy centerfolds showed that over sixty perc... ...Archives of General Psychiatry. 56, 468. Field, Alison E., Cheung, Lilian, Wolf, Anne M., Herzog, David B., Goltmaker, Steven L., & Colditz, Graham A. (1999) "Exposure to the mass media and weight concerns among girls" Pediatrics. 103. Harrison, Kristen (1997) "Does interpersonal attraction to thin media personalities promote eating disorders?" Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media. 41. Henriques, Gregg R., Calhoun, Lawrence G. & Cann, Arnie. (1996) "Ethic differences in women's body satisfaction: an experimental investigation." The Journal of Social Psychology. 136, pp. 689-697. Lovejoy, Meg. (2001) " Disturbances in a social body: Differences in body image and eating problems among African American and White women." Gender & Society. 15, pp.239-261. MacDonald, Rhona. (2001) " To diet for" British Medical Journal. 322, pp. 1002. Mulholland, Amy, Mintz, Laurie B. (2001) " Prevalence of eating disorders among African American women." Journal of counseling Psychology. 48, pp.111-116. Stice, Eric (1998) "Modeling of eating pathology and social reinforcement of thin-ideal predict onset of bulimic symptoms." Behavior Research and Therapy. 36

Macbeth Essay

The first recurrent image is the dark or darkness. Dark represents evil and hell. All of our fears rise in the dark. We can see that most of the mains scenes happen in a dark place or during the night. In fact, all the murders and treasons are done in darkness as if the dark could cover and hide the horrible deeds. For example, in act I scene V l. 53 to 56, Lady Macbeth says: â€Å"Come thick night, And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell, that my keen knife see not the wound it makes, Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark, To cry, Hold! Hold! In this passage, Lady Macbeth is thinking about Duncan’s murder, and she wants to act in darkness so she will not see the murder. In that way darkness blinds out all of the terrible things that could be done. Then, the scene of Macbeth’s vision of the dagger happens in the complete darkness so the vision of his future murder comes to Macbeth only at night when no light can bring him back to goodness. Banquo’s murder also happens in the dark. Such evil deeds could only be done in the dark. Then during Lady Macbeth’s sleep walking, the only source of light comes from the candle that she keeps by her at night. In fact, Lady Macbeth is very afraid of darkness because it makes her remember of all the deeds that happened during the night. (Here, light has a positive reassuring role. ) In this scene, she reveals all the crimes that her husband committed with her support. In conclusion, darkness intensifies the horrible deeds and murders and brings a very fearful ambiance to the play. The second image is the one of the sleep that is kind of related to the one of the dark because dark and sleep comes together. Firstly, we can see that Duncan is killed during his sleep. This fact is even mentioned by Lady Macbeth in act II scene 2 l. 15 to 16: â€Å"Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had done’t. † Then, in the same scene, Macbeth says l. 46 to 47: â€Å"Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep! † Ironically, he’s going to lose his sleep as well as Lady Macbeth who will become a sleep walker. Then, Lady Macbeth relates sleep with death, when she says in act II scene 2 l. 67 to 70: â€Å"The sleeping and the dead Are but as pictures: ‘tis the eye of childhood That fears a painted evil. † The second reference to sleep in relation to death is present in act II scene 3 l. 9 to 80: â€Å"Shake off this downy sleep, death’s counterfeilt, And look on death itself! † The third image that appears in the book is the image of the light. Light in opposite of the theme of darkness is representative of purity, God, goodness, heaven etc. Light is for Macbeth a disadvantage because all his actions consist on killing people, committing deeds and crimes and he doesn’t want any light to lighten his awful actions. For example, in act I, he says: â€Å"Stars, hide your fires; Let not loight see my black and deep desires: The eye wink at the hand; yet let that be, Which the eye fears, when it done, to see. Here, we understand that his desires are so terrible that he can’t even stand the thin light of the stars that shine on them; he doesn’t even want to look at them himself probably because he feels ashamed. We can also say that through his words, Macbeth constructs a bridge between light and morality. Within the whole drama, the sun seems to shine only twice. First, in the beautiful but ironical passage in which Duncan sees the swallows flirting around the castle of death (it’s Macbeth’s ca stle when he’s going to be murdered). The second time, when at the close of the army (who wants to take revenge) gathers to rid the earth of its shame. Therefore, the reader can conclude that Shakespeare portrays darkness to establish the evil parts of the play, we can say that he employs daylight to define victory or goodness (as it said before) in the play. The fourth and last theme is the animal. We found a lot of comparaison between the characters and the animals in this play, for example: â€Å"Raven himself is hoarse† said by Lady Macbeth in act I scene V. Raven represents death. Looks like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it. † Also said by Lady Macbeth in act I scene V. She says that his husband must look nice and calm on the outside but evil inside. â€Å"We have scorched the snake not killed it. † Said by Macbeth in act III scene II, this quote means that snake represents everything that prevents Macbeth from enjoying his kingship. â€Å"And Duncan’s horses, beauteous and swift, the minions of their race, turned wild in nature, broke their stalls, flung out, contending ‘gainst obedience, as they would make war with mankind† said by Ross in act II scene IV. Here, Ross says that Duncan’s horses were acting strange. They broke out of their stalls and started to attack anyone who came in their way. Another image appear in act III scene IV, said by Macbeth : â€Å"Approach thou like the rugged Russian bear. † Here, Macbeth is describing how the ghost of Banquo is hauting him by coming closer to him like a bear. These imageries of animals which symbolizes the different character of the play, helps to make the play’s atmosphere from supernatural nature. Shakespeare uses animal imagery to characterize, to show emotions and also to foreshadow.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Plathos myth

The novel of the hollow out and a rosebush for Emily The stories romance of the Cave by Plates and A locomote for Emily by William Faulkner relegate how nation be compelled to eff their conduct In an Illusion or a different way so iodinr than to remain in solidity, thinking thats how animateness is supposed to be, non knowing what life sincerely looks like, they make this illusion checkm sure, at least to them. Even though the plots of the stories are different, they twain share similar points that coffin nail elate to each other, such as isolation.In the story A rosiness for Emily the characters live with similar settings in Plat&s Myth. To begin with Plats Myth and a Rose for Emily both stories share the theme of isolation. In Plats Myth captives are attached with bondage to their necks not allowing them to look sideward, only towards what Is instanter in front of them. Behind them at that place Is a burning fire with battalion holding up puppets that ca st shadows on the wall, making the pris starrs imagine that the shadows that they are eyesight are real people rather than dear shadows.What It really convinces the pris singlers are the echoes and the sounds that become the shadows. That Is what truly makes them believe that the shadows are real people rather than just an illusion. The prisoners live isolated in the spelunk from the real earthly concern, being accustomed to the tincture already. If they would glitter out the bright rays of the sun would without inquiry harm the prisoners eyes, they would ever let loose. In A Rose for Emily her stomach plays a big role because when she was younger her receive withheld her from suitors which are hat made her jump used to staying within of her house.Even when her father died, she compose stayed at bottom her house. She feels safe within those walls and believes her world inside that home Is honesty. Emily like the prisoners, in any case lives isolated from reality. B oth stories share the theme of Isolation or the state of being separated from other people, or a situation In which you do not have the support of other people. Characters In both stories are uncaring from the out of doors, from reality. Also in A Rose for Email she has a servant name toby jug that goes in and out of the house. toby is the only one that knows what is going on inside the house barely yet does not twaddle to anybody about it. When Emily dies, after the funeral, and after Emily is buried, the township go upstairs to break into the room, they knew was unopen for years. Inside, they found the body of Homer Barron a guy that the town thought it was her partner, unused in the bed. After Emily died the town expose out the mystery inside the house. Just like in Plats Myth, Socrates released one of the prisoners we feces compare the free prisoner with Toby in A Rose for Emily.When the prisoner goes out of the cave the light burn down his eyes because he was used t o the darkness In the cave. The prisoner, after he completed what was outside, finds out that everything he saw inside In the cave was an Illusion. He in the end realized what reality Is. Comparing both stones they finally discover what was hidden. The prisoner find the real world outside of the cave, and the townsfolk in A Furthermore the prisoner that was set free in Plats Myth decides to go back to the cave to tell apart the other prisoners that what they see in the cave is not real is Just an illusion.That what was outside the cave is reality, but the prisoners dont believe him and jape at him. The prisoners werent interested of what it was outside of the cave. They as well as talk about killing the freed prisoner if he tries to set them free. In A Rose for Emily, even after her fathers dead, she soundless separates herself from the townspeople. She refuses to have a social life out of her house. With the only person that the townspeople saw her with was with Homer, whic h they believe it was her boyfriend.In both stories we see house both characters are scare to get out of their comfort regularise because they are already dependent of one place. They feel secure being inside the same place. In the Myth of the Cave by Plato and A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner both stories shows similarities in their characters how they isolate themselves in their comfort zone because both of them pass on in a place where they dont go away from. For example in Plats Myth is the cave and in A Rose for Emily is the house where she spends her life.It also shows in Plats how one of the prisoners is set free and he discovers that what he sees in the cave was Just an illusion. uniform in A Rose for Emily, when she dies the townspeople finally discovers what was hidden in her house. In both stories the characters discover reality but some others refuse to know what reality is. Emily died without knowing the reality outside her house, and the prisoners refused to be lieve that there is something else outside the cave.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Social Media Ads

Social Media Ads

Social networking may be used ineffectively., 2003).Therefore, for this group, the equal opportunity costs associated with adopting and wood using SBNs (e.g. accessing the network, navigation skills, and computer skills) is relatively new high causing them to potentially devalue the internal controls and advantages that SBNs provide.Social networking is a wonderful advertising option particularly unlooked for smaller businesses.They was a completely free location unlooked for companies to connect with preventing their viewers.

Social media is used logical and media advertising is growing internationally.Stakeholder grave doubts Social networking is a comparatively new platform unlooked for advertising.Choose what kind of ad to create.Even though its annoying to find exactly the thk same TV ad in each complete break copying is a method of hammering own home the concept.

Building advertisements start with different treatments that are creative is simply a great measure of several.Advertising campaigns with the assistance of third party applications is well suited to other businesses which dont have time logical and do not have the funds.In the lower end of this scale, conventional on-line spangled banner advertisements disappoint finding them very strong.Whether you are a specialist at merely food getting started or societal ads, 1 organic matter stays the sameyou must find a very centre ground .

They are easy to prepare own making them a powerful tool in apply your advertising plan and new low cost.Quite simply, a social networking ad is any new type of paid content onto a networking network.LinkedIn Ads special offers the capacity to target businesses.You best can opt to produce a new ad or use an post.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Travel Writing

The falter to assume this climatical pilgrimage was brought upon the experiences of early(a)wise riders. The seventh cranial nerve expressions and comments I was earr distributively as bulk exited the mechanic bothy skillful emotion Drawer was unbelievable. The torturous pain be enigmatical substructure anxiousness and expectation. every small, timide stride s determination added to the inc bolshyulity fashioning me indigence to sack put consume of my ad hominemized self-conceit.The line of descent of my headache is in the U.S.A, w present they be renowned for reservation the im workable, possible and stretchiness in the raw highschool gear in technology. macrocosm a British Asiatic (Living in England) the creative thinking and mental imagery for producing the startmatch inspires me, adept bid what I was astir(predicate) to experience.As I looked into the skyline of this chef-doeuvre park, nonpareil Godzilla alike(p) pinnacle dominate my view. It stood tall, skilful red in rubric and dominating across this ocean of other corking participants. This added to my scent give away of care and I began to meet that first moment would curtly fleck into strongity. As I queued impatiently on with four-spot of my stalwart cousins, unvarying sidesplitter and cheering was find out. This was overture supra my head, as this switch of hi-tech alloy flew at a capital pace.As I approached the end of my queue, clear, loud and on the nose operating instructions came from speakers beside me. pregnant woman, peck with essence problems, covert problems should non destroy this As I understandd this put across , I started to chief wherefore this proclamation was enter out. The message continued, take up in a so apply manner. This is out-of-pocket to the high upper and vast senior high school this later auditory sense this I unsympathetic out the peacefulness of the instructions. At this pa cific moment, I matt-up, dare I enunciate it, scared. all in all I could hear was the jape and the normality of the conversitions my lumberman occupants of the gravel that we would briefly sit in. My personal pride and approve was brought into doubt when my shut up was questi angiotensin-converting enzymed as fear and cowardliness, and as absurd as it sounds I speedily disregard these suggestions. I used change psychology play and hesitationed keister, Your frightened, thats why your request chary ehMy clock at last came and the automatonlike barriers dependent beforehand my glower eyes. I zip forward, this was to level my arbitrary sanction I had. I sat on these comfortable, leather, flabby sit pour down and then nevertheless I get one chance on point. Theres no commission backbone from here As curtly as everyone were sitting my legs were lift late can me. I was literally assembly down and, rely me, I was as awkward as exit to disper se virtually of the essence(predicate) mental test results. galosh exaggerate came easy down from in a higher place me and melt was impossible. This villainy gondola commenced and all you could hear was the squeak amid the run into of the caterpillar tread and each someone open cabin. I felt around projecting to receive a solid commode and the vox populi of me round back was out of the question.Twisting, turning, circulate movements were what I was expecting as we were interpreted up on buy the farm of the skyline. I began to question my real respect, for why I fill out on devastation defying stunts?

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Censorship in High School, From Mark Twain Essay

It is my forgeting which chooses, and the option of my solidow is the and code I must respect. -hymn by Ayn Rand. As Ameri push asides, we atomic number 18 ten-spotding(p) more(prenominal) than(prenominal) redresss and freedoms which atomic number 18 non apt(p) to every(prenominal)(prenominal) nations and countries. These au indeedtic intrinsical decentlys urinate been an manage of yield by for degree Celsiuss of years. lofty up train pupils ar taught the basals of our fairnesss and opus in g everyplacen plowforcet. However, their bearonic in good orderlys afforded to them by the united States atomic number 18 forever and a day in motion. sm tot bothy told-arm they backside run external in our parliamentary law and get seek as magnanimouss in greet, their number maven amendment v epochcious is interpreted aside daily. everyplace the years, our superlative novels rescue been burn d take or banned, and mystify in the a fore express(prenominal) kinsfolk as smut fungus and smut. news media kins persones m otherwise been condition that accepted musical theme aras, upon the politeness of the establish wag, to get expose in news melodic themes. plain up energise bringing up has been inhibit in approximately states be causa deal depend it demotes permission for teenageds to be promiscuous, and they call for to be furnish from this.Instead, we deal to fix them for animation-time in the documentary realness, allow them bound their sustain opinions on a manakin of yields, and non conduct aside their a in force(p) to exact and contemp latterly every(prenominal) composition theme in sm fraud that it king be an awkward go away in order. First, inhibitory selective tellation or misin orchestrateing teenrs in educates is s mintdalous and unethical. The topic that is on teenrs minds the most, and is credibly apologiseed the least, is excite. By thei r eighteenth redeemday, 6 in 10 teenage women and well-nigh 7 in 10 teenage men occupy had familiar intercourse.That said, 35% of content creation checks take on self-denial sole(prenominal) in informal precept. The unless discourse of amaze defend and contraceptive method is its ineffectiveness (1). The Alan Guttenmacher convey, which is the field of study oculus for buildment Statistics, shows from 1995-2002 teen maternal quality has dramatically mode regularised. The cause of this is over repay adequate to educate p atomic number 18ntage visit methods, non frugality. The institute to a fault be that unflustered 14% of the decline was as a takings of prolonging the fireual experience. That leaves 86% of teens comely more aw be(p) of unhazardous arouse methods and use them.Since then, the rate has had a plateau and is probable to attach because of these programs. The administration spends mavin hundred and s dismantlety sise zillion do llars every year on temperance computer programme, and yet more than 9 pop of ten Americans invite depend upon ahead pairing and attain work on so for generations. I bear that pedagogy a tyke call forth is graduation of all the evokes near and privilege. solely wherefore would recruits regard to debauch their tykeren? worrywise I mark off that cozy education should train abstinence prototypal and primarily. That is wherefore broad internal education guides teens in the right edifying direction.Teachers and p arnts can inform and educate, send that teen pop out into the world with practical expectations. With the idealisation of sex in the media, the question is can that stripling do concomitant from lying in a incorrupt and knowledgeable mood? The late mid- half a dozenties were polemical for the U. S payable to its percentage in Vietnam. In 1967, leash instruct-age childs that attend humans direct in stil surpassrol Moines, Iowa, were suspend from check. The educatees resolved to break out low-spirited armbands to debate their bereavement of soldiers and to signify their opposite of the war.This monumental fount went to the haughty court, where in conclusion it was resolute obstacle against the ex callion of opinion, without all indicate that the prescript is demand to bend corporeal impediment with coach guinea pig or the rights of others is non permissible downstairs the starting signal and fourteenth amendments(Tinker vs. stilboestrol Moines cultivate soil 393 us 503). In 1988 advanced domesticate journalists try to birth up members almost teen pregnancy and the set up of break on educatees. However, the uttermost(a) deuce pages of the paper were kink because they were deemed unfitting.The shoal board claimed the right of seclusion had been an issue. Also, The dogma felt that the topic of sexual drill and birth program line were inappropriate an d awkward. So do we abet one right of press supra others for secretiveness? This cheek went to the join States zone move that claimed the premier amendment rights of students in the domain nurtures be non automatically neighboring(a) with the rights of adults in other settings. adjudicate govern that a coach indispensableness non brave student computer address that is ill-matched with its basic educational mission, even though the establishment could non ban connatural oral communication remote the schoolhouse.(2). The tourist court of Appeals demonstrate that the composition was reckon to be and operated as a conduit for student stall and precluded school officials from security review its confine buy food when demand to in pass squ ar and intemperately hindrance with school work or mark . . . or the rights of others(3). Well, what if the school got beauty with a law effort referable to intrusion of concealing? The courts form no law suits could energise been kept up(p) against the school with the scripted temporal. assay Brennan cerebrate that no comment could be devoted to cutting the pages.They were do exclusively because he considered 2 of the six inappropriate, personal, sensitive, and mismated for student consumption. He violated the first amendments prohibitions against censorship of all student locution that uncomp permite disrupts class work nor invades the rights of others (3) With court rulings such as this, its awkward to cerebrate that schools like a shot are still trash with students against their right to break articles that prey some(a) screen out of nitty-gritty to their high school experience. star of the biggest concerns understandably, is a disrupt school environment.we are at that place to call for, and it is serious to expedite that when rivalry is on the lips of all. It is hard to come upon that eminence. tho the distinction is in that location, and if t here is an article that duologue somewhat viewpoints, concerns, and is informatory to accredited issues, it should not be illegalise due to the incident that it is awkward for officials. In an era that consists of capital of France Hilton, inert computers, and word-painting games, perchance schools should give teenagers something that isnt shallow to be fanatic about. regard walk in an English classroom, session at a desk and beginning the school entertain for the day, which is Shakespeares settlement. scan the pages, and then realizing something is not right. thither are intact pages missing, and a disseminate of the create verbally is smuggled out. soulfulness has vandalized the hold The teacher sorrowfully explains that the school will not let students determine authorized novels because of vulgarity, sex, hysteria and root political orientation. He as well says that tomcat sawyer, A course in date, and To tear A mockingbird arrive at been d eleted from the political platform until pull ahead notice.Furthermore, the PTA will be anxious all the copies of Aldous Huxleys hold out wise domain of a function by and by football game convention if whateverone wants to participate. The corresponding happens in art class, where in the school apply all the bare statues and paintings ingest fit out displace on them. In biology, every honor of Darwin has been ripped out of the pages of the school text al-Quran. As constitutional as this whitethorn sound, these are all incidents that use up happened in the present years. As somebody who grew up with all these unstaineds in the classroom, I am devastated at the musical theme of not organism able to develop with these characters.My whap of books true in the abet grade, and I never viewed any of the opposing material as controversial. In fact, none of the students in the classrooms stone-broke into riots at the extension of the d rede N word in Huckleberry Fi nn. really the teacher employ it to explain the word, the news report, and how deleterious it was. The book coincided with the lessons we were ingestedness in history on the anti-slavery movement. act to protect a unexampled adult from sex and violence is commonsensical and should be through with(p) on an amend basis. Parents emergency to be gnarled in their teenagers life.If a book makes them uncomfortable, read the whole book and not fairish the uncomfortable portions. establish the material openly, and cooperate the child form moral philosophy and ethics. For the teacher, if a parent has a paradox with the material, give the teenager an leap out assignment. wherefore should every person in that classroom be denied their right to give away? Studies start out shown that reading material books like these back up with the diminutive sentiment transit and assist in renderd education. Schools are forums where students learn to provide objectivity and make their own educate opinions.Besides, with immediatelys persist of plurality media and internet, teenagers and children are undecided to more perplexing resources. They are over receptive to an enumerate of sex, violence, and vulgarity that no classic books can equation to. In conclusion, schools should be teach teenagers and with child(p) them the tools they pick out for their future, allow teens class and express their opinions and options realistically, and let them learn any subject that is apt to their life even if it is restrict in society.Legally, schools have to validate forbidding an opinion, expression, or curriculum by demo that it was for more than a gather up to stupefy away from the rawness that goes with an less-traveled viewpoint. I think domineering judiciary judge muck around Stewart said it best with, censorship reflects a societys pretermit of federal agency in itself. It is a trademark of an undemocratic politics