Monday, May 25, 2020
Persepolis and Courage Essay - 653 Words
Persepolis and Courage Marjane Satrapi’s memoir Persepolis is considered a â€Å"coming of age†story based on her experiences growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. This graphic novel explores the life she lead in Tehran which encompassed the overthrow of the Shah’s regime, the triumph of the Islamic Revolution and the devastating effects of war with Iraq. Undergoing life with such a chaotic environment, it took Satrapi courage to act and live as her â€Å"authentic self†and explore what it meant to her to be authentic. Similar to Aristotle, May and Medinas Persepolis examines the concept of courage, through the view of innocence; through Satrapi’s childhood. Firstly, Aristotle discusses the idea of the courage of the†¦show more content†¦Her courage to dress the way that she does and go out in public is a significant moment in which she progresses towards her authentic self. This scenario coincides with May’s statement that â€Å"we are left the responsibility to choose mindfully and have the courage to remain constantly embroiled in the struggle between daring to amplify our inner thoughts or being directed by the external cacophony of seemingly solid imperatives in the world of others†(Medina 289). Satrapi has a choice, and so do we, every day. We make the choice to amplify our thoughts and we must strive to do so otherwise we’ll be drawn into this ambient noise. Furthermore, May discusses three conceptual branches of courage: physical courage, social courage and moral courage. These concepts are evident throughout the graphic novel as Satrapi’s childhood curiosity delves her further into the understanding of the situation she is around. Yet, her child naivetà © blocks her ability to fully comprehend the decisions others are making around her. Her social courage comes from her audacious responses towards her teachers and her moral courage comes from her curiosity and guilt she has as she grows up when she speaks to â€Å"god†In conclusion, the graphic novel Persepolis is a bildungsroman, which develops the character of Marjane Satrapi through the vehicle of courage in developing the conflict of individual vs. society. This relates to the readings of May,Show MoreRelated##jane Satrapis Persepolis And Letter From Birmingham Jail : Character Analysis871 Words  | 4 Pagesa disadvantage even if it endangers yourself is the most admirable thing to do. This argument is demonstrated in both Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis and in Martin Luther King Jr.’s â€Å"Letter From Birmingham Jail†. King and Satrapi both honored their people by fighting for the oppressed, and working towards a government that recognizes rights for all. Both Persepolis and â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail†address government oppressing the dissenting minority, and how bravery, respect for others, and protectingRead MorePersepolis Reflection Paper1578 Words  | 7 PagesDuring our â€Å"Interactive Oral Dis cussion†regarding Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi the class discussed many topics. As a group, we began by talking about the genre of the graphic novel. The artistic style and technique used by Satrapi was addressed specifically. I mentioned that I appreciated the mono color, by using black and white it effected the readers by making the text more serious. Another comment was added; the use of minimal color was effective. 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For this purpose, the veil, which is worn by Iran women, is often identified as a symbol of obedience, respect or modesty which is otherwise an example of an oppressed patriarchal society. Author Marjane Satrapi’s novel Persepolis, exposes the regime behind this oppression of the Iran woman and compares western cultural expectations to that of Iranian culture. Yet, even behind the confinements of the veil many women are finding ways to rebel against the Iranian society oppressionRead MorePersepolis : Marjane Satrapi s Persepolis1756 Words  | 8 PagesPersepolis is a graphic novel by Marjane Satrapi, this graphic novel was based on the eyes of a Ten year old that experiences all types of emotions before and after the Islamic revolution, the oppression from the leaders. This novel gives us a brief on the history of Iran and their leaders, to the Embassy being taken over, via how they weren’t allowed to party . 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Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Something Wicked This Way Comes A Great Book for High...
â€Å"Someone knows your secret dream, that one great wish that you would pay anything for. That person suddenly makes your dream come true - before you learn the price you have to payâ€Å", (Something Wicked This Way Comes . Jake Clayton , Walt Disney Productions, 1983). Ray Bradbury’s novel, Something Wicked This Way Comes is a science fictional/ fantasy novel about an ongoing battle between good and evil. Jim Nightshade and Jim Halloway are two young boys who are about to undergo a life-changing experience as well as the town of Greentown, Illinois. A carnival rolls into town after midnight in late October, which was very weird because carnivals usually end after labor day, â€Å"Cooger Dark’s Pandemonium Shadow Show-Fantoccini, Marionette†¦show more content†¦To me, Charles Halloway and Jim Nightshade are the closest characters to people in reality and I enjoyed them the most. The one thing I have to say I enjoyed the most about the book was one of th e themes of the book, acceptance. I liked this theme because majority of people can relate to the theme easily. All characters in the novel went through an adventure once the carnival arrived. In the beginning Charles Halloway did not see himself as the a good father to his son, William. Mr. Halloway was in his mid 50s and by being that old he could not connect with his son like a younger father could. â€Å"That’s Charles Halloway, thought Will, not grandfather, not far-wandering, ancient uncle, as some might think, but†¦my father†(14), Will didn’t see much in his father, just an old man and that was only because that was how Mr. Halloway showed himself. In Something Wicked This Way Comes it seems like people have a terrible time accepting their age. When the carnival comes into town it takes full advantage over that. Mr. Dark and his freaks can’t get to everyone though, Charles soon realizes the what the carnival’s weakness is. Charles Halloway destroyed the carnival, â€Å"All because he accepted everything at last, accepted the carnival, the hills beyond, the people in the hills, Jim, Will, and above all himself and all of life, and, accepting, threw back his head for the second time tonight and showed his acceptance
Thursday, May 14, 2020
My Chosen Career Is The Most Popular Career Choice
My chosen career At present I do not have an absolute clear vision of myself in law but I hope to find a path of solicitor or mediator in contract law or human rights/criminal law related career. If I am unable for some reason to achieve it, I wish to build my future career in other field upon legal knowledge that I have obtained over the years. For example, a survey conducted by the Law Society among law students demonstrates that only 50% of respondents aspired to become a solicitor (others prefer barrister or undecided) . I am researching about solicitor path, which is the most popular career choice after graduation from law school, and their role is more appealing to me. My initial thought was to start from usher and work my way up to paralegal and then, if possible, to become a solicitor since they communicate directly with the clients. As for the exact direction, Human Rights Law is relevant to me as nowadays human rights legislation is more important than ever considering recent events in Ukraine and recent migration crisis.It is especially relevant today with newly emerging terrorist attacks/acts, torture and death penalties, unacceptably low level of basic education (third world countries in particular) around the world. What attracts me about Human Rights Law is that over the decades it has managed to considerably reduce all of these offences on a global scale . Although high stress levels among representatives of that branch of law somewhat discourage me I findShow MoreRelatedNursing As A Career Choice1714 Words  | 7 PagesNursing as a à ¡areer à ¡hoice. Anna Leonova Trent University Nursing as a career choice. As Mother Teresa said: â€Å"It is not how much you do but how much love you put in the doing†. These words can not but be common for nurses all over the world. Well, what makes them love their profession? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
George F. Kennan Served As An American Diplomat Essay
George F. Kennan served as an American diplomat with a background in history and political scientist. He was an influential member of the United States State Department during the Truman Administration and under Secretary of State George C. Marshall (George 2014). Kennan wrote an article titles The Sources of Soviet Conduct in which he highlights policies of the Soviet Union as well as the opinionated response of the United States. He strongly vindicates soviet policy as secretive and suspicious, and that a relationship with this nation should be watched with an ever-careful eye (Kennan 2017, 549). The Soviet Union and the principles of communism believe that capitalism is evil, and in their terms â€Å"can lead to the exploitation of the working class by capital-owning classes†, (Kennan 2017, 547). Within the article, Kennan explicitly attacks the aggressive expansionist soviet regime. He warns that the soviets adhere to the notion that they have a duty to eventually overthro w or topple other political forces or regimes beyond their indicated borders. The soviets also felt that to keep these policies in check, the system of centralized government must be held in the clenches of a dictator, or totalitarian figure (Kennan 2017, 548). Kennan drew out plans for the United States that would eventually be known as the â€Å"containment†policy. He proposed that foreign policy initiatives should pressure the Soviet Union. The policy must focus on a long-term, vigilant containment of RussianShow MoreRelatedComparative Critique of Kennans American Diplomacy and Williams the Tragedy of American Diplomacy1279 Words  | 6 Pagesworks of William Appleman Williams and George F. Kennan have contributed to understanding of American diplomatic history during the period of 1900-1950. Kennans book, American Diplomacy, offers a sharp critique with its focus on American mistakes, specifically examining the absence of direction in American foreign policy and with the end result of American strength and insecurity at the start of the Cold War. Williams, in his book The Tragedy of American Diplomacy, pursues a different but stillRead MoreRichard Nixon and Supreme Court1634 Words  | 7 PagesSoviet Union after World War II? *Yugoslavia* 2. The Soviet Union first learned of the American atomic bomb how? *through the use of espionage* 3. The Baruch Plan would do what? 4. George Kennans containment policy proposed what? *American vigilance regarding Soviet expansionist tendencies.* 5. George Kennan believed firmly that foreign policy should be left to whom? 6. The Truman Doctrine stated that American policy would be what? 7. The Marshall Plan proposed what? 8. Overall, did the MarshallRead MoreWhat Was The Cold War?1726 Words  | 7 Pagesin 1946, stating that international peace was impossible â€Å"under the present capitalist development of the world economy.†At the release of this declaration, the brilliance of the diplomat and political analyst, George F. Kennan, who was stationed at the U.S. embassy in Moscow, was needed. After a deep analysis, Kennan stated that the Soviet Union should be dealt with patience and persistence and that the Soviet expansion should be â€Å"contained†. This advice of â€Å"containment†of the Soviet Union was
Emotional Intelligence Synopsis.I Learned That There Are
Emotional Intelligence Synopsis I learned that there are various personality types, those personalities are made up of many factors, however, you can generally identify most any personality from the EI information that was presented from the EI Appraisal. I would like to think that we were much more complex than a personality test however, there are methods in determining a person like course, response of behavior. There are more inside forces that create a personality than outside sources. I believe that outside forced play a part in a person’s behavior as well as the way that the individual was raised, one example is a person worth a strong dominate personality could have been allowed to be expressive and enforce their will, on the†¦show more content†¦. Emotional competence is a learned capability based on emotional intelligence that results in outstanding performance at work†Goleman, 2014 p, 24). This stands out to me as it relates to my personal experience, I’m able to pull and draw others in based on the concept, with that concept I’m able to have empathy, I can read and relate to how others are feeling as well it allows my strength social skills to stand out. I can talk with others and glean trust, understanding and build relationships. I have very strong customer service skills, I’m able to listen and understand what someone wants even if they are unable to express it. Diversity as well as bringing people together regardless of backgrounds is also a strong skill set, this comes from my upbringing and being exposed to others of different races and cultures. I also have the concept that we are all one made in Gods image so my ability to relate also comes from knowing that there are differences, howeve r, those differences make us stronger and not divided. I love to learn from others and unless you are open to all people you will never can learn from others. ‘The Peter Principle to much college to little Kindergarten†(Goleman 2014, p.42) also rings true, I have a high degree of interpersonal skills that allow me to learn a job and seek help from others without offending them because of my lack of knowledge. I’m very capable in many areas, however, those areas that I’m not totally confident
Critical Analysis essay free essay sample
Over the course of youth’s childhood, they will eventually make a remarkable change from an adolescent into an adult, resembling a caterpillar undergoing metamorphosis and emerging into a beautiful butterfly. For years there has been a debate between teenagers and adults dealing with the topic of when teens rightfully become mature and grown up. Henry G. Felsen addresses this subject through telling his own sixteen year old son his opinions and thoughts on this debate in ‘When Does a Boy Become a Man?’. The difference between a boy and a man is not in which one looks like, it is the actions and choices that a man makes which differentiates him from the boy he once was. Henry Felsen has done a commendable job in supporting this theory. He explains what the future holds for these teens that rush into adulthood with the wrong idea of what it is all about. There is a fable that Felsen uses to back up his theory on how a boy can look like a man but may not actually be a man. The fable tells a story of a donkey who covers himself in lions skin and is overjoyed when the lions do not take notice of him. He even feels as if he is truly a lion. â€Å"All went well until evening, when the lions began their customary evening roaring. The little donkey completely fooled by his own disguise, lifted his head and roared with them. What came out, of course, was a donkey’s bray. Whereupon the lions fell upon him and devoured him.†Adolescents have an image of what an adult is to them, which they try to replicate in ways such as smoking, cursing swearing, drinking and dressing provocatively. Teenage boys act masculine to be seen as a man, while girls dress inappropriately to look like a woman. To the adults in society, these adolescents look like donkeys foolishly walking around in lion’s skin. The images of adults that the youth copy are influenced by a minority of irresponsible adults such as famous celebrities with bad reputations because of their actions Felsen backs up this assumption by voicing â€Å"children seem to believe that the way to prove themselves adult is to imitate the unstable, destructive, irresponsible minority†. Teens are misled by these role models, and should alternatively look up to successful people such as athletes or business owners. Instead of trying to look like lions, teens should be the donkeys they in fact are. Not only do teens portray the acts of irresponsible adults, they also follow the bad choices and actions of these thoughtless adults. Further, these adolescences do not understand how immature these actions really are. Felsen states his opinion that â€Å"only a child would maintain- and sincerely believe- that his manhood can be measured by the lateness of the hour his father permits him to stay out at night†. The careless actions teens make can be very dangerous and can lead to very difficult situations, such as trying drugs or alcohol, and reckless driving. Teens do not realize that the actions and decisions they perform to reflect adults will affect them in the future, such as distancing themselves from their parents, and neglecting school and being destructive towards themselves. In place of these actions, adolescents should focus on their education, engage in sports and activities, spending time with friends, and just appreciating their teenage years. Felsen contributes to this idea when addressing his son, â€Å"being a successful boy is the best guarantee in the world that you will be a successful man.†The thing that adolescents do not realize is that they need to be patient. They will grow into an adult fast enough and will soon wish they were a teenager again. When the misguided adolescents finally see what being grown up is all about, they will be in for a rude awakening, and truly wish they were a teenager again. Growing up isn’t all fun and games, and it does not happen overnight. This is what teens need to understand. Felsen states â€Å"time and experience will make you an adult†, this idea is exactly what growing up comes down to. Being an adult, teens need to realize, is about being able to put aside childish and immature thoughts and take on the responsibilities of being an adult. Over time teenagers will learn that having respect for fellow human beings and being able to handle problems sensibly are the characteristics of an adult. Without this knowledge teens come into the adult world with an absence of education on many different levels, and recognize that they are not qualified for this world. â€Å"They are the young, untrained, uneducated, unprepared, and inept people who have trouble finding and keeping the worst jobs, whose hasty escape-marriages fall apart at the first tremor, whose babies often become public charges.†Felsen creates a very realistic example in this statement. A girl marries right out of high school and rushes into adulthood, she and her husband both have mediocre jobs while trying to raise their kids. Finally she realizes she is completely unhappy and sees this is not the life she wants to live. Because of her decisions that she made in her teenage years, she now has to pick up the pieces of her fallen apart life. One of the biggest changes that anyone will face is the metamorphosis from a teenager into an adult. They not only change appearance but more importantly character. Oprah Winfrey once said â€Å"The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.†This idea is exactly what Henry Felsen wanted to convey in his writing, which he successfully did. It is important to teens to educate before rushing into adulthood to prevent this domino affect that is happening in today’s society. All adolescents need to understand that maturity is not something you see from people appearances, but the actualization of maturity is the result of wisdom acquired though years of experience. It has to be built, not imitated.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Systems Renewable Energy System Integration -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Systems Renewable Energy System Integration? Answer: Introducation London wind farm is the worlds wind farm the located 20km away from the shore. The wind farm is built on industrial offshore and it has 175 turbines producing 630MW. The huge tones of power accounting to nearly 25GW is going to be the upcoming development of this wind farm because it is grounded on London renewable energy project. The construction of London Array began in 2009. The project entails 175 Siemens and two offshore substations. The London Array began producing electricity in October 2012 with full operation of all 175 turbines. The wind farm produced more than 2.2TW of electricity and London Array produces enough power nearly half a million homes in a year and reduces carbon monoxide emissions by more than 925000 tonnes per year. This report on the wind farm at London Array discusses among other things the preliminary design, detailed design, and development, system optimization, validation, as well as evaluation of the wind form in London Array. Energies in the world such as heat energy, light energy, wind energy etc. are converted into the beneficial form of applications. The wind energy is important in current days because it is environmentally friendly and it blows from an area with a high-temperature area to a region of low-temperature areas. The wind produces electricity through windmills where mechanical rotation is involved(Agency, 2016). The figure below shows an example of a wind farm at London Array: Kilometer is used in various places such as pumping water which may be in form of groundwater and drainage, milling grains, and the electricity. People living around the farm prefer this technique in various parts of the world because the energy is pure without pollution. It is suitable where the wind energy is high since the higher the quantity of wind the higher the amount of energy that is will be produced by the turbine(Bern, 2010). The figure below shows a satellite image of the wind farm at London: Preliminary design of the Wind Farm at London Array The London Array scheme commenced in 2001 with runs of environmental concern. There are various reasons why this particular location was chosen. Some of the reasons include depth of available, high wind speed, usable water ports that could enable construction along with operations and also maintenance(Books, 2011). In the past, wind energy was used in the sailing boats, in homes for the natural ventilation, wind wheels for machines. As the years passed by it was used in the oil mills for grain grinding to extract oils and in big ships for the wind driving source. Nowadays, it is used in electricity extraction and to satisfy the human needs. Importance of Renewable Energy such as Wind Farm Energy acquired from the wind farm is clean and free from pollution hence being considered environmental pleasant. This will assist in controlling earth surface pollution and also windmills the temperature of the cutout surface because it is one kind of non-heating devices. Water conversation is another very significant feature of wind energy because it necessarily does not depend on water for the production of electricity. Wind energy is adequate in various regions on earth surface hence helps in it in the production of wind energy. This is one source of domestic energy, where villages can also implement(Castellano, 2015). The power generated from the wind is unlimited and wind setup is pocket-friendly in entire cases. The windmills can also be built on the farm where people also live. This is because this kind of mill also gives rental benefit for the people such as the creation of employment for the people. This report shows clearly the technical description of London Wind Farm with a production capacity of 630MWs(Castellano, 2015). Conceptual Design of Wind Farm at London Array The operational design entails wind tower which is made up of 4 parts namely, tower, gearbox and generator, Propeller blade and the base. The figure below shows a structural design of a windmill: The wind turbines consist of propeller blades that are comparable to that of an aeroplane propeller blade. Here, the fan is rotated by the wind and as a result, it produces electricity with the help of rotational mechanical management. The shaft of the mill is connected to the generator to help in generating electricity(Fitzgerald, 2011). There are several types of windmills based on the conceptual design which includes the vertical wind turbines and horizontal wind turbines as explained below. Horizontal Wind Turbines In the horizontal wind turbine, the axis of the turbine is parallel to the earth surface. We prefer these types' horizontal axis wind turbine [HAWT] windmills because wind streams parallel to the surface of the earth regularly. The figure 4 below shows the horizontal axis wind turbine(Glasdam, 2013). Vertical Wind Turbine There is very distinct kind of turbines in where the very tough blade design is needed. The type of turbines is commonly used in sloppy areas where winds direction is not conventional and people are not occupying those areas(Goodall, 2014). Blades of windmill Mainly the windmill blades are 6 in nature namely, double blade, single blade, multi-blade, three blade, upwind blades and Down-wind blades system(Hanna, 2016) Single blade: Single blade is adopted in some mechanical applications. It is a distinctive system which is not preferred because of its lesser efficiency and design constraints. Double blade: This kind of system is used in irrigation applications and machines. The double blade shorts contain two blades for the rotor. Three Blade: This is the most effective of all blades. Three blade mills are generally seen mills. The conversion of energy is best in three blade mills hence it is ideal for all types of application(Jayaweera, 2016). Multiblade: In Multiblade, the system is changing as the blade design is the course of these challenges. The designer has put into consideration the number of blades and what kinds of material it has to include because the blades cause to rise to the weight of the mill. Upwind blades System: This is a current technical discovery where the design of the blade will be permitted to rotate the upwind(Johnson, 2014). This blade system has been incorporated due to its ability to produce energy even during low wind quantity. Downwind blades system: Downwind blade system has to adopt the rotating tower for higher efficiencies. It is the opposite of upwind because it will rotate for the downwind only. There are some sections of the wind farm where this blade system is being used especially when there is a low flow of wind such as downhill or near human habitats. System Test and Evaluation Turbines in the sea or ocean around 20km away from the land are entailed in offshore design. Each mill has cables and a generator, the generator cables are linked to the power place on the globe(Johnson, 2014). The design features include; a joined Heat and Power facility where the Maidstone branch managed the building works, making use of local contractors wherever possible; making most of the obtainable natural light through inert design actions and an extensive grass rooftop to offer environmental values, water reduction, and good lagging. The turbines which are used in the first phase one are fixed with Siemens. The turbine and wind power are closely 130m and the individual turbine is 89meters high above the sea level. The main tower is needed and bolter to transition place in order to install the turbine. Thereafter the nacelle and hub are installed that contains turbine's main parts namely, gearbox, control, and generator. When designing a windmill, protection must be ensured in order to avoid any accidental miss happening near the turbine zone(King, 2017). Validation and Optimization of Wind Farm at London Array The turbines start working when the speed of wind is around 4 meters per second reason and full complete power is achieved at 15m/s while these turbines keep shutting when the wind speed is higher than 23m/s. The turbines are designed to run for 18 years, all around 24 hours because they are served with huge power. Regular check on operation and regularity of these turbine operations, computerized monitoring, storage facility, and control facility are done by a technician(Lynn, 2011). The performance of the wind farm can be optimized for making some changes on the blades which will maximize the production of energy by the turbines. This can be done through using lighter and widely spaced blades which will marketing the harvest wind energy maximum. The location of the wind farms can also be in a position such that even if there is low wind energy(Matejicek, 2013). The location should be away from habitats and tall buildings. The motor used in the turbine can also be modified such that even if the blades do not turn at a faster speed, the mechanical energy can still be converted. Safety of constructing big projects needs to be considered. Creation of the safety zone around the turbines should be considered and at also keeping protection of technicians and the labour-intensive force. Minor boats arriving near the turbine zone should be protected because the tip of the wind turbine is made in such manner to retain the tipped minimum of 20 meters beyond the sea level so as to evade high tide(Mohan, 2012). Analysis of the Wind Farm The turbines of the wind are Siemens 3.6MV with the quantity of turbines being 175. The entire production is 630MV, the overall height of the blade tip is 147m, and the rotor thickness is 120 m with 87mts hubs elevation. The weightiness of the blade is approximately 18 tones, navelless is 190 tonnes. The speed cut out is 25 meters per second while the speed cut in the wind is 4 meters per second, the shore distance is 20 kilometer while the dimension amid turbines of wind is 650x1000m(Rule, 2012). Those are the essential statistical records that relay full information concerning the description of turbines that are applied in Wind Farm Array. The Wind Farm Array turbine project description data provide an elegant information concerning the budget for the manufacturing process and assembling secondly the cost(Jayaweera, 2016). The quantity of wind energy produced by this wind farm at London Array has been approximated to be 20% of the total grid energy in the city. Conclusion The wind farm at London must contest with the conservative energy sources which are not a stress-free task. The wind farm conceptual design is found through technical detail in their structural manufacture and elaborated along with its technique description. Defense and navigation section has relayed the greatest vital section of consideration while executing the whole process because the turbine causes harm to the wildlife and also noise. This report on the wind farm at London Array discusses among other things the preliminary design, detailed design, and development, system optimization, validation, as well as evaluation of the wind form in London Array. Energies in the world such as heat energy, light energy, wind energy etc. are converted into the beneficial form of applications. Mainly the windmill blades are 6 in nature namely, double blade, single blade, multi-blade, three blade, upwind blades and Down-wind blades system as discussed in above paper. The performance of the wind farm can be optimized for making some changes on the blades which will maximize the production of energy by the turbines. This can be done through using lighter and widely spaced blades which will make the harvest wind energy maximum. References Agency, F. M. a. H., 2016. Ecological Research at the Offshore Windfarm alpha Ventus: Challenges, Results, and Perspectives. New York: Springer Science Business Media. Bern, G., 2010. 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