Monday, September 30, 2019
Explain each of the areas of learning and development and how they are interdependent Essay
It is important to remember that each area of learning and development does not work in isolation but they are all in fact interlinked. Good quality activities will cover more than one area of development. For example, allowing children to access the outdoors will not only support their physical development, but encourage their communication and exploration of their environment. Where a child experiences a delay in one area, it is likely to limit their learning and development in the other five†¦ child with cerebral palsy who experiences hand-eye coordination difficulties is likely to find completing a puzzle difficult therefore hindering her problem solving, reasoning and numeracy. It is therefore vital that settings recognise each child’s individual needs and plan holistically in order to help children achieve their full potential across the six areas of learning. The physical development of babies and young children must be encouraged through the provision of opportunities for them to be active and interactive and to improve their skills of coordination, control, manipulation and movement. They must be supported in using all of their senses to learn about the world around them and to make connections between new information and what they already know. They must be supported in developing an understanding of the importance of physical activity and making healthy choices in relation to food. A child’s physical development may have an impact on their self-confidence as they grow older, if a child is unhappy with their appearance e. g. oung girls may feel their friends are physically developing at a faster rate to what they are, this may affect their social development and maybe even intellectual, when a child loses self-confidence they may become distracted in lessons and therefore fall behind in their school work. On the other hand if a child or young person is very physical and active and lives a healthy lifestyle, it is proven that this improves concentration, better sleep and a healthier life in general. This will impact on a child or young person’s intellectual development as they will be more alert and ready to learn, physical activity is also likely to encourage social and emotional development as schools will provide sports clubs and after school activities, giving children and young people the opportunity to socialise and progress in self-esteem. For a child to understand the world, he/she will understand that people have different beliefs, colour skin and religion, the world and technology. A child will also learn other children’s names, talk about family and friends. This has a huge impact on a child’s social development; they will have awareness of the world and the people around them, and therefore are able to confidently make new friends as they go through transitions such as moving schools. It is important that children and young people are given the opportunity to speak about themselves, their lives at home and also listen to others, and this gives them a perspective on the fact that everybody does different things, others’ lives differ to theirs and this is something that needs to be recognised and respected and not judged. Expressive arts and design means a child or young person making new things, designing and inventing a piece of art that is unique to them and their style, using a variety of materials and equipment. It is important to introduce this at a young age, not only does this encourage a child to express themselves creatively but also contributes to physical, intellectual, social and emotional development. Creativity relates to physical development from a young age as the movements required to make marks such as brush strokes improves both fine and gross motor skills, feet painting is a great activity to do with children to improve both creative and physical development, you could ask them to hop, skip, jump to make a variety of marks with the paint on their feet, children love doing activities like this as they are free to create whatever they like. You could introduce pattern making to expressive arts and design, progressing the child’s intellectual development; you could do this by providing a range of materials allowing the child to create their own pattern or engaging in the activity with the child engaging in discussion about what pattern they can make or get them to identify a pattern you have made and see if they can make one similar. Some children or young people use expressive art and design as a â€Å"get away†from any stress, they find it relaxing and calming. Personal and emotional development means a child developing skills to be able to make relationships and bonds, having self-confidence and self-awareness, understanding that actions may affect others and be able to learn positive dispositions such as empathy. We can encourage this in setting through â€Å"circle time†allowing children to talk about a topic of their choice, it is also important to discuss things such as disabilities and learning difficulties, so that if there is a child with these things in setting the child’s peers can empathise and help support the child as well as the adults. Personal and emotional development can be affected through a number of ways, one being if a child has a severe disability, they may feel that they are unable to take part in the same activities as their peers or may have a low self-esteem, this is why it important to promote equality, diversity and inclusion in setting it is important to plan activities around children’s needs leaving no child to feel left out. Physical disability often disturbs intellectual development, the reason for this being the main focus would be improving the child’s physical abilities e. g. he child may need to attend physiotherapy or regular hospital appointments, this also results in the child or young person missing a lot of time in school. It is important to focus on more than one area of development; this is why children with physical disabilities may also have a special worker helping them with the school work they have missed, so they do not get too far behind. From working in a childcare setting I have become more aware of how development areas are interdependent and try my best to support children in all areas of learning and development, taking into account any difficulties they have when planning activities.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Look at the questions
Queen Elizabeth of England was known as one of the most successful rulers of her time for a number of different reasons. She did many things right, but the most prevailing aspect of her reign was her foreign policy. She was something of a revolutionary leader during that time in a number of different ways. While other leaders were busy fighting big wars to protect themselves from danger, Queen Elizabeth found a way to keep her enemies at bay by pacifying them. She used power and influence to balance between the countries and the powers that would have otherwise been a problem during that time. Though the premise of her policy was to help England, it actually helped much of Europe as a result. For example, European powers like France and Germany were able to build their military power and their financial backing while not having to defend against a large armed force in England. Without having to look too far, one can find some of Elizabeth’s policies being utilized in the world today. In some ways, they are being used in many of the same ways that Elizabeth used her policies back in England. There are some very good examples, including the situation that is currently happening in Ukraine. Ukraine is a country that was involved with the Soviet Union for a long time, so they have struggled in the period shortly following that. The adjustment has been difficult, because the country still holds onto its Russian roots, but it is being pulled towards the Western world. Being in such proximity to both Russia and Europe, Ukraine has to fact tough questions about the direction of their country. China is a country that is always in balance between various powers, as well. On one side of them, there is Japan, who holds much of the world’s power in the financial district. One the other hand, they have to balance between the socialist nations that surround them in the South Pacific. In order to make sure that they keep a good reputation around the world, China has had to keep pacify the Western world. They are a large producer of goods, so in order to stay viable, they have to keep the important trade relationships that have been developed up to this point. On the other hand, the socialist nature of their government makes it difficult for them to relate with countries like the United States and many of the nations in Europe. In the sixteenth century, England found itself in an interesting position. In many ways, the world was changing during that time. Today, it is still a changing world, so countries still have to account for these changes. Instead of having to simply care for today, countries like China and Ukraine have to take into account what might happen tomorrow. This is why it is difficult for these countries to have an economic and military strategy that pleases everyone. Queen Elizabeth was able to balance the interests of her country and many different countries, so that they could become a power in the changing world. If England did not have such a balanced policy, then there is no way they could have charged into the new age in such that they would maintain their power into this current time.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
U.S. National Intelligence Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
U.S. National Intelligence Services - Essay Example All their responsibilities revolve around one thing: â€Å"To maintain peace and prosperity in United States and to eradicate all the evils from the society which are causing disruptions†. Some of its top-most responsibilities are to protect United States from terrorism, intelligence threats, high technology crimes, cyber-based attacks, civil rights etc. It has the duty perform which includes combating and eradicating public corruption at all levels, white collar and violent crime etc. Protecting civil liberties is one of the main aims of FBI in which FBI is responsible to collect all the required information and provided to the foreign intelligence collection agencies. It has to perform its duty in accordance to United States constitutional system. FBI also trains special agents so that they can have an insight, how to carry on civil rights protections programs in the country. This extensive Civil Law instruction greatly helps in maintaining law and order in the country. Responsibilities of FBI have been re-stated and improvised after the social and political impact of the events of 9/11. Its Motto says it all: ‘Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity’. FBI needs should make such an organizational structure which clearly defines the responsibilities of the supervisors and other employees to increase efficiency. Improving internal security systems and managerial systems will directly improve the management of this agency. Being an individual United States civil agency, CIA has to follow a proper framework of responsibilities set in accordance with Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act 2004 mainly. Conducting counterterrorism and counterintelligence activities is the main responsibility of CIA. Taking care of the special national security matters is what the main duty of CIA is. All these responsibilities can only be carried efficiently and effectively only in one case which is,
Friday, September 27, 2019
Describe your program of study, you goal or expectations for the Assignment
Describe your program of study, you goal or expectations for the practicum - Assignment Example While some employers have large, mature mobility programs with hundreds of expatriates in dozens of countries, others have small, newer programs. Yet all want to attract the right employees and send them on the right type of assignment for the right amount of time, all while controlling costs and the amount of effort it takes to administer their programs. One of the most interesting elements about Human Resources is the fact that it allows me to understand employee motivation. I find employee motivations as a pinnacle of Human Resources. Another major point that I find intriguing in my course of study is leadership. They are keen developing on employees by performance management systems leads to a better job improvement because employees are invested in the program itself and are willing to work hard. Most employees feel that they are happy with the goals of the organization as tuition is covered, work from home is a flexibility, and goal is inevitable. However, many employees also felt that growth is limited over short-term is not feasible. Additionally, larger organizations are known to segment its work in smaller departments, which can ruin personal development. Overall, the consensus was clear that larger organizations have a difficult time keeping the employees happy according to this theory. Senior executives are keen on the management practices rather than training employees on technical training. The vision of the organization is to be the key innovation while harnessing employees. These factors can be: job security, flexibility, future for themselves, and pay scale. These factors can be measured to truly understand the quality of employees because these are the qualities that measure job importance. This is detrimental to overall growth of the company that is trying to achieve new goals, especially in sales. Employees can often lose interest with the workplace when they feel as though their hard work isn’t being recognized and there
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Greek Theater Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Greek Theater - Research Paper Example However, performance of the plays began in the city of Athens during a religious festival of Dionysus, perceived to be the patron god of theatre and agriculture, peace promoter and the god of wine and harvest (Thomopoulous, p56). The actors would perform the plays within the first two weeks in the month of March in every year. An Archon would arrange, run and manage the activities of the festivals. He was an official whose election was at the end of every festival in every year. The Archon would perform his duties of managing the festivals only once (Rieger, p70). The new Archon would start immediate preparations for the next year’s festivals immediately after their election. He also appointed the playwrights who would present during the festivals and the judges, who would determine the winner. He selected two sets for the plays supposed to be staged during the festivals, one of tragedy and one for comedy (Nobles, p56). The theatre of Dionysus, located near the Acropolis, was one of the first theatrical structures where actors presented their plays. The Acropolis was a major structure in the city of Athens. The theatre, which resembles a baseball stadium in the modern day, comprised of three parts, the orchestra, a large circular space and buildings behind it. The other part was the skene, which in modern days is â€Å"scenery†. These were the buildings behind the orchestra, whose painting portrayed the play’s settings. They also held a backstage area where actors would rest in between the scenes and change their costumes. Then the third part was the audience who surrounded the stage on three sides (Porter, p56). A grand processional into the theatre of Dionysus kicked off the festivals, where people carried baskets of bread and jugs of wine and water as they entered in. They would offer the foodstuffs as a sacrifice to Dionysus (Porter, p95). Various groups of choirs performed songs, Dithyrambs right after the processional. These were song s accompanied by flutes and archived Dionysus’ life, particularly focusing on a single instance and were only performed by boys and men. The audience spent the remaining evening hours dancing and singing and in the following day, playwrights would announce the titles of their works to the audience. Performance of these works would take place in three days (Rieger, p75). A cycle of three plays formed the tragedies, where audience spent the whole day watching the entire cycle, which in many occasions ended in a burlesque and open sexual play known as a satyr. The characters in this play consisted of Greek myths and in addition, the playwrights from the previous tragedies, who would then engage in different kinds of immorality. There was performance of five comedies on the sixth day of the festival (Nobles, p67). Although people perceived these comedies as less complicated, it was still honorable for the best comedy to win. Judges would determine the winner at the end of the fes tival, whom they would award with a trophy and festoons. The greatest prize from the competition was however a goat, where the winner had an opportunity of giving it as a sacrifice to Dionysus. Aeschylus won many times the prize for the best tragedy than any other person. Unlike today’s plays where actors speak, the actors in the Greek plays would sing. These plays consisted of about four to thirty people who stood at the back of the orchestra.
Beauty Cuts More Than Skin Deep Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Beauty Cuts More Than Skin Deep - Essay Example In the article, the author tends to indicate that the practice of beautifying oneself is more or less a recent trend. Though this is not expressed directly but the indication and focus on more recent techniques such as Botox indicate that the author is analysing the situation in a recent perspective only. People have been in the race to beautify themselves from ancient times. There are indications to suggest that cosmetics were utilised by affluent men and women alike in the ancient Egyptian civilisation (Winter, 2005). Not only this, the practice of denying the usage of cosmetics and other beautification agents has been just as strong. In her article, Cannold (2012) suggests that the onus of using makeup or beautification agents and denying it falls squarely on women. However, this may not necessarily be true. The denial of using beautification agents is just as rampant in men as in women. Studies have indicated that the usage of cosmetics is more of a personal or individual affair than a gender related affair. The author indicates that women use Botox and other beautification agents but deny it in front of other women. She also implies that women are not concerned with Botox usage in men but instead are concerned with the use of such agents by other women. However, if this phenomenon is looked at in detail, it could be recognised that none of us, whether men or women, want to admit our fallibility to age. As indicated before, the use of beautification agents is not associated to gender anymore (Robertson, Fieldman, & Hussey, 2008). Instead, the old values are being replaced by new values where men and women alike want to deny the usage of any beautification agents. The author further develops her argument by presenting weight as a means of differentiating between women’s social groups. Cannold (2012) suggests that women of one weight category will socialise with each other only in order to justify their own weight. This serves as a weak argument since this argument can be generalised to nearly any gender and their socialisation patterns. It is relevant to note that men will only socialise with other men who share common physical characteristics. For example, body builder men will socialise with others who are conscious about their physical well being. This argument can also be extended further to espouse the third gender. Members of the third gender will only socialise with members of the third gender since they resemble physically. Hence, it could be concluded that physically similar people will socialise with each other whether you talk about men, women or about the third gender. The author extends her argument to indicate that women utilise beautification agents in order to fit into their social groups where 50 year olds seem like 40 year olds. Again, it could be argued that men tend to be just as choosy about their appearance and this can be demonstrated by looking at the corporate sector. Restricting the argument’s sc ope to women alone is rather lope sided since male corporate managers do their best to look and as fresh as a cucumber (Gimlin, 2002). Present-ability is one of the most esteemed characteristics of the corporate world especially at the higher levels. This applies across the board to men and women operating in those domains (Low, 2008). The author’
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
MGM604-0802B-01 Organizational Behavior - Phase 1 Discussion Board Essay
MGM604-0802B-01 Organizational Behavior - Phase 1 Discussion Board - Essay Example servation of Kreitz 2008, p.101, â€Å"just as mono-cropping destroys biological diversity, and, in extreme cases, human as well as natural ecosystems, mono-managing similarly destroys diversity within organizations.†The modern business world has proceeded well beyond the legally protected aspects of diversity such as race, gender and age, to embrace a much broader spectrum of diversity that virtually takes into consideration almost every aspect of human differences (Jayne & Diboye, 2004). Such a broad perspective of diversity requires that diversity be seen as having domestic dimensions and international dimensions. According to Loden and Rosener, 1991, the primary dimensions to domestic diversity are, race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, physical abilities and characteristics. These differences may be taken as resident differences that is present in the work force of any country, within which operate the secondary dimensions of diversity in the form of work experience, education background, geographic location, military experience, income, marital status, parental status and religious beliefs. Thus while dealing with a training program that addresses diversity to a workforce audience from a nat ional perspective it may be sufficient to consider just the primary dimensions and secondary dimensions of domestic diversity. In a country like the United States of America, where there is a coming together of different cultures and in addressing an international work force, it becomes necessary to understand the international dimensions to diversity that is brought about by the culture or cultures that need to be addressed. Much of our understanding of the international dimensions of diversity is owed to Hofstede and his research project that has enabled us to focus on different cultures and not on the individuals that represent these cultures. The Hofstede understanding of international diversity gives us five dimensions or factors to it, which are power distance,
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Conventional Assessment Techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Conventional Assessment Techniques - Essay Example Using these types of tests, teachers make comparison between the exam performances of all students. To do this, they design a signal test paper for all students to know which of their students has performed better as compared to others. They rank the students according to their test results. Advantages1. Such tests help teachers rank their students according to the results of these results. This also helps in building students’ motivation to show good performance than others.2. Increased competition between students is another advantage of norm-referenced tests. Students want to do well their friends and for this, they prepare well and show improved performances.Disadvantages1. One of the main disadvantages of nor-referenced tests is decreased standard of performance. The reason is that students are not worried about meeting the criterion set for assessment. Therefore, they just perform to get an edge instead of working for meeting the standard criterion.2. Working to get an edge over peers also does not show actual class learning, which is another disadvantage of norm-referenced tests. Teachers cannot assess the students’ performances properly because of not having an assessment criterion.â€Å"Informal formative assessment can take place in any student-teacherinteraction†(Ruiz-Primo & Furtak). An oral interview is one of such types of informal assessments that involve face-to-face interaction between students and teachers.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Business-to-Business Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1
Business-to-Business Marketing - Case Study Example Advertising as a tool helps to get a company’s messages to large audiences well through avenues such as television, radio, Newspapers, Magazines, Billboards, Internet etc.; other mobile technological communication devices may also be used. This method can successfully reach a large number of customers, although it may be somewhat expensive. This tool is usually used through contests, premiums, coupons, samples, demonstrations, incentives or displays. Though it attracts a large number of customers, it can only be used to accelerate short-term sales, by encouraging repeat buying and building brand awareness. This tool of marketing communication is initiated through news/press releases, public appearances, or sometimes event sponsorships. It is a good way of building trust and goodwill by presenting the service or company in a positive light. Public Relation refers to how a company handles its relationships and the flow of information with the various publics which include the general public, shareholders, consumers, employees, partners, the government and competitors. Sarah and Peter must look at legal, regulatory, social, competitive, technological, ethical and cultural considerations before opting for any of the above options as a communication tool. One thing that they must avoid is when choosing any of the tool s and activating it, they do not end up reaching an inappropriate audience or cause controversy. It could be damaging for the company when trying to build up brand awareness and encouraging customers to spend on a company’s products. Decisions that link the overall objectives and strategy during the marketing planning phase helps to evaluate and adjust the particular activities of integrated marketing communication.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Porters 5 Forces Analysis Essay Example for Free
Porters 5 Forces Analysis Essay Threat of New Entrants. The average person cant come along and start up a bank, but there are services, such as internet bill payment, on which entrepreneurs can capitalize. Banks are fearful of being squeezed out of the payments business, because it is a good source of fee-based revenue. Another trend that poses a threat is companies offering other financial services. What would it take for an insurance company to start offering mortgage and loan services? Not much. Also, when analyzing a regional bank, remember that the possibility of a mega bank entering into the market poses a real threat. Power of Suppliers. The suppliers of capital might not pose a big threat, but the threat of suppliers luring away human capital does. If a talented individual is working in a smaller regional bank, there is the chance that person will be enticed away by bigger banks, investment firms, etc. Power of Buyers. The individual doesnt pose much of a threat to the banking industry, but one major factor affecting the power of buyers is relatively high switching costs. If a person has a mortgage, car loan, credit card, checking account and mutual funds with one particular bank, it can be extremely tough for that person to switch to another bank. In an attempt to lure in customers, banks try to lower the price of switching, but many people would still rather stick with their current bank. On the other hand, large corporate clients have banks wrapped around their little fingers. Financial institutions by offering better exchange rates, more services, and exposure to foreign capital markets work extremely hard to get high-margin corporate clients. Availability of Substitutes. As you can probably imagine, there are plenty of substitutes in the banking industry. Banks offer a suite of services over and above taking deposits and lending money, but whether it is insurance, mutual funds or fixed income securities, chances are there is a non-banking financial services company that can offer similar services. On the lending side of the business, banks are seeing competition rise from unconventional companies. Sony (NYSE: SNE), General Motors (NYSE:GM) and Microsoft (Nasdaq:MSFT) all offer preferred financing to customers who buy big ticket items. If car companies are offering 0% financing, why would anyone want to get a car loan from the bank and pay 5-10% interest? Competitive Rivalry. The banking industry is highly competitive. The financial services industry has been around for hundreds of years, and just about everyone who needs banking services already has them. Because of this, banks must attempt to lure clients away from competitor banks. They do this by offering lower financing, preferred rates and investment services. The banking sector is in a race to see who can offer both the best and fastest services, but this also causes banks to experience a lower ROA. They then have an incentive to take on high-risk projects. In the long run, were likely to see more consolidation in the banking industry. Larger banks would prefer to take over or merge with another bank rather than spend the money to market and advertise to people.
Friday, September 20, 2019
What Is Home Depot Commerce Essay
What Is Home Depot Commerce Essay Home Depot is the largest home center chain operating in 2,244 stores throughout the U.S., Mexico, Canada, and China. Home Depot is considered to be the largest retailer of home improved goods, construction products and services in the world. It was founded by Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank in Atlanta in 1979. The Home Depots proposition was to build home-improvement warehouses, larger than any of their competitors facilities. The store inventory consists of about 40,000 different kinds of building materials, home improvement supplies, appliances and lawn and garden products for the needs of various projects. The Home Depot stores are always equipped with goods that are confined to a small area to match that areas specific market needs. is ranked on position 418 within .com and has 5,399 back links. The Site was launched at Tuesday, 04 August 1992. ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE BUSINESS MODEL follows the B2C i.e. Business to consumer model. In B2C transactions, online transactions are made between businesses and individual consumers. B2C E-Commerce involves electronic retailing or e-tailing. At customers can browse catalogs when they want, place an order and the product of service will be delivered directly to them. It is an online version of the store where customers can shop any hour of day and night without leaving their home and office. The revenue model followed by is sales of goods. Within the e-tailer the type of model used by is Clicks and bricks. It is a business strategy or business model in e-commerce by which homedepot attempts to integrate both online and physical presences. This model makes it far easier for a to establish an online presence than it is for a start-up company to employ a successful pure strategy. By using this model homedepot developed certain advantages, such as: Leveraging their core competency. Multiplying existing supplier networks distribution channels. A lower cost of capital. THE MARKETPLACE The Home Depot has more than 1950 places across the United States, China, Canada and Mexico. Home depot stores have an average area of about 105,000 square feet and around 23,000 square feet of area outside of greenery. Inventory consists of different kinds of building materials, home improvement supplies, appliances and lawn and garden products for all of your project needs. The Home Depots retail stores offer skilled customers, like person who can repair and remodel particular services. Through committed service provider desks in more than 1,900 stores, skilled customers have right to use the loyalty programs, a pro bid room to handle large customer orders with volume discounts, directship programs, credit programs and other specialty sales initiatives. Home Depot operates under four different business segments: MARKET STRATEGY The strategic factors that helped in the growth and popularity of home depot are related to quality of product, its price, advertising for the products, store capacity, competitors, and customers independency and happiness. Good quality products are offered by Home Depot like garden supplies, lawn installation services home improvement products, for these products are offered too. Home Depot introduced a trial product store format that presented approx. 32,000 more square feet of selling area, due to which the selection of products and services broadened, also it provided with a more appropriate layout than the long-established stores. Collection of complementary product categories via stores that were designed based on a design centre, which facilitated Home Depot in storing more than 40k products in a year. New stores were brought closer to existing ones by Home Depot via a clustering strategy. An advantage was created by following this strategy via increasing the blockage of entry to competitors reducing rush in the current stores. This strategy also permitted the organisation to enlarge its advertising distribution expenses along a greater store area. Customer Cultivation is regarded as one of the prime strategies implemented by Home Depot. It is the consequence of the prerequisite of elevated qualified and in-store clinics, supportive, professional clinics and employees. An additional approach is centering on widespread announcement. Two years ago, Home Depot spent 895 million dollars on advertisements which accounts for 9.5 % more than its 2007 spending of 817 million dollars. Widespread advertisements provided Home Depot with a personal potential not in favor of remaining companies in the same industry. CUSTOMER VALUE PROPOSITION Customer value proposition consists of the sum total of benefits which the firm  promises a customer will receive in return for the customers associated payment. Customer value proposition is specifically targeted to attract new potential customers instead of employees, partners or supplies. It is a statement that is designed to convince customers that one particular product or service will add more value or better solve a problem than others in its competitive set. home depot provides a broad selection of quality products and services. Home Depot has the widest range of products, which are rated below rival market. They hire trades professionals so that the customer gets expert advice. Because of the technical support and better customer service the store has shown results which are unmatched in the business. As it is said, it is the good incident that brings the customer once more and its the word of mouth that brings other new customers, hence, customer satisfaction is one of the most important policy followed by company. Home depot selects very customer friendly oriented people. To improve the customer experience following steps is taken up by the company: Stores are getting modernize so that the perception of home depot is improved before the customer. In order to improve the customer service, a 24 hour hotline is being introduced. In order to improve customer service at Home Depot stores a new employee incentive program has been developed. REVENUE MODEL Estimated 20,068,000 visits over last 30 days. This Google Page Rank 7/10 website has a Traffic Estimate rank of 288. is worth $3,759,165. This makes the 93 most valuable site on Home Depots first quarter in 2010 is $725 million, up from $514 million a year earlier. Net sales for the period increased 4.3% to $16.9 billion. Similar store sales increased 4.8% company-wide for the period. COMPETITORS In the home improvement industry the main competitor of home depot is Lowes Companies (LOW). Home Depot leads in terms of sales revenue which is $66.2 billion and that of Lowes is $47.2 billion. Other competitors of home depot are Home Improvement Stores, Sears, Menard Inc., True Value Company. Home Depot also faces competition from smaller independent stores. Builders First Source (BLDR), a company that manufactures structural and related building products for new construction. The advantage which Home Depot has against the smaller competitors is that in case of an economic downfall, it will be prevailing and thus taking back the old customers which were attracted to these small competitors earlier. C:UserscompaqDesktopmenard.jpg C:UserscompaqDesktoplowes.jpg COMPARITIVE ADVANTAGE Home Depot is financially better placed than Sears and Lowes. Home Depot maintains its strong price positioning and improves customer service and product quality.   Because of this reason home depot enjoys a competitive edge over Sears and lowes. The second competitive advantage for home depot is Menards products are perceived to be lower in quality than those of Home Depot even when the price for both are similar.  For the Quality of the products that it carries, Menards should not want to increase the price of its products. Another property that gives homedepot the competitive edge is differentiation. Home Depot has product differentiation as well as image differentiation. This provides a competitive edge over both Lowes and Sears. The Home Depot has essentially identified its two main market segments: The do-it-yourself (DIY) home improvement consumer and The professional business customer. CONCLUSION We have seen that how a b2c site ( operates. What is the business model behind the operation of home depot? It has helped customer to do shopping for the desired product by sitting at home/office and making payment on delivery by credit/debit card. The home depot is the market leader in the segment of home improvement retailing, much ahead of its competitors. The main reason of its competitive advantage is good quality, lowest prices and customer satisfaction. APPENDIX TABLE 1 DIRECT COMPETITOR COMPARISON homedepot Low PVT1 PVT2 Industry Market Cap: 47.47B 30.17B N/A N/A 30.17B Employees: 193,370 166,000 40,3001 3,0002 166.00K Quarterly Rev Growth 4.30% 4.70% N/A N/A 2.90% Revenue 66.86B 47.78B 7.90B1 2.01B2 47.78B Gross Margin 33.75% 34.80% N/A N/A 34.80% EBITDA 6.73B 4.98B N/A N/A 4.98B Operating Margin 7.38% 6.81% N/A N/A 7.47% Net Income 2.83B 1.78B N/A 64.20M2 N/A LOW = Lowes Companies Inc. Pvt1 = Menard, Inc. (privately held) Pvt2 = True Value Company (privately held) Industry = Home Improvement Stores 1 = As of 2009  2 = As of 2008  TABLE 2: Comparison of Major Warehouse Format Home Centers Store Attributes Attribute/Company HomeDepot HechingerHQ Builders SquareHomebase Store Count 174 30 144 73 Square Feet/Unit(000) 94 86 84 113 Sales/Square Foot $348.00 $224.00 $171.80 $169.90 FIG1 DAILY TRAFFIC TREND FOR FIG2 UNIQUE VISITORS FOR
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Truth About Orthodox Christianity :: essays research papers fc
As described in The Grand Inquisitor by Dostoevsky The writings of Fyodor Dostoevsky and Helen Ellerbe show substantial evidence that the orthodox Christians did in fact steal from humanity the divine freedom it was promised by Jesus Christ. This thesis is supported in Dostoevsky's "The Grand Inquisitor" from his book The Brothers Karamazov. The dark side of Christian history by Helen Ellerbe also supports this theory. The Inquisition itself shows credibility to the theory that orthodox Christianity was established to conquer and control the freedom of humans. 2. Orthodox Christianity has a history of trying to deceive humanity. In her book, Ellerbe proclaims that: "Orthodox Christianity fostered humanity's shift towards a world view that pays little heed to the idea of divinity." (Ellerbe 165). In addition, the Grand Inquisitor " it as a merit for himself and his Church that at last they have vanquished freedom and have done so to make men happy." (Dostoevsky 1081). 3. Reading "The Grand Inquisitor" while considering the history of early Christianity, the question can be asked, "Did orthodox Christians really believe in God?" Or is the God they believed in a guise that Christianity has put forward to have humanity believe in Him through its teachings only. The Roman Church had taken God's celebrations of nature and converted them to Christian celebration. In The dark side of Christian history, Ellerbe supports this when she writes "Unable to convince people of the absence of God in nature, the early Church instead incorporated aspects of the very nature worship it condemned..." (Ellerbe 143). 4. The Spanish Inquisition was established in 1478. King Ferdinand V and Queen Isabella I requested the Inquisition. At first, The concern of the Inquisition in Spain was over the conversion of Marranos: Marranos were Jews that were converted to Christianity using force and pressure by society. It is estimated that by the end of the 14th century about 100,000 Jews had become Marranos, although the greater number of Jews openly adhered to their faith even at the risk of expulsion. Some Marranos actually accepted Christianity, but most of them practiced Judaism in secret, while others waited only for an opportunity to throw off their Christian disguise (Encarta 99). Later, the Inquisition turned to people of Islam and attempted to convert the in the same way they had done to the Jews. And, even later, to those suspected of being Protestants. The Spanish Inquisition was similar to the first inquisition that was started in France.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
personal essay- The Girl In Pink :: essays research papers
It's seven o'clock and Megan's alarm has just gone off. Up out of bed and into the closet she goes to find her wardrobe for the morning. The closet door opens to sunlight shining through the open blinds inside the large walk-in closet. To the left and right are haning masses of pink clothes, dresses, jeans, and, in one corner, a couple of employee tee shirts for the movie theare and some black work pants. Se carefully selects her favorite pink halter top, a lighter pink jacket, and a denim skirt. "Time to meet my public," she says to herself. She treks down the stairs, passing me. I just woke up. "Why are you up so early sister?" "Class," I reply. "Oh." Time for breakfast. "Mom, will you make me some eggs? Sunny side up?," Megan asks with a toss of her hair. "Sure hon." The family computer is turned on and Megan thinks to herself, "Which cute boys have emailed me today?" "Seth wrote to me, mom!" Mom smiles, "are you going to write back?" "Are you crazy! If I write back this soon, Ill look desterate and needy. I'll do it this weekend." She starts responding to some of her girlfriends' emails, a quick one or two lines each, and then moves on. A plate of eggs and toast and a glass of orange juice is set at her seat at the dining room table. Without closing anything on the computer, she prances over to pick at her breakfast. Half way through, she stops eating and goes toweigh herself. I pass her again in the hallway. "Are you going in the bathroom?" E ask. "Yes." Great. Well, I guess I'm done inthere now. She doesn't run any water or anything. It just seems to have slipped her mind that she has a huge murror in her room, too. Half an hour later, Megan emerges from the bathrom with perfect hair and flawless make up to compliment her outfit.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Hitler: Old Ideas, New Meanings Essay -- Adolf Hitler Nazi History Sym
Hitler: Old Ideas, New Meanings The second World War was a consequence of one man and his idealistic dream. Adolf Hitler strove to further the "Aryan" race at the expense of other people and cultures. However, for such an idealistic man, Hitler was fairly unoriginal. He borrowed the swastika, the main symbol used in the war to indicate Nazi rule, from ancient civilizations. Hitler also borrowed mythology from other cultures to promote his ideas. The swastika was far from being Hitler's own invention. It originated in primitive cultures when people noticed that the big dipper rotated around the North Star. This rotation formed the pattern of a swastika when charted four times a year, that is, every thirteen weeks. The implication is that "the swastika may have been primarily and generally employed by primitive races as a sign for a year or cycle" (Nuttall,19). There were many cultures all over the ancient world using the swastika as a symbol. In Scandinavian countries it symbolized "the turning wheel which in the Bronze Age was connected with the god of the sky" (Davidson, 67). Thor, the god of the sky, drove his wagon across the heavens creating thunder and lightning (Gelling, 143). Thor is also associated with maintenance of the turning of the seasons (Davidson, 72). To honor him, ancient pagans decorated their swords and spears with the swastika (Gelling, 148-9). Different cultures obviously had different meanings attached to this symbol. A coin from Syracuse, now located in the British Museum Collection, had a swastika stamped on it. In the middle of the swastika was a human head. This was interpreted as "the image of a state and its single central ruler" (Nuttall, 459). Regardless of the symbolism of variations in th... ...things one encounters, as unambiguous as their current meaning may seem to you. Bibliography Davidson, H.R. Ellis. Scandinavian Mythology. London: Hamlyn Publishing Group Ltd., 1969. Gelling, Peter, and Hilda Ellis Davidson. The Chariot of the Sun, and Other Rites and Symbols of the Northern Bronze Age. New York: Praeger, 1969. Gordon, Sarah. Hitler, Germans and the "Jewish Question." Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1984. Homer. The Odyssey. The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces, sixth edition, volume one, New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 1992. Nuttall, Zelia. The Fundamental Principles of Old and New World Civilizations. Salem, Mass. : Salem Press, 1901. Overy, R.J. The Nazi Economic Recovery 1932-1938. 2nd ed. Cambridge: University Press, 1996. Poliakov, Leon. The Aryan Myth. London: Sussex University Press, 1974.
Public Enterprises
What are the Objectives of Public Enterprises? SOUMYA SINGH In India, public enterprises have been assigned the task of realising the objectives laid down in the Directive Principles of State Policy. Public sector as a whole seeks: (a) to gain control of the commanding heights of the economy, (b) to promote critical development in terms of social gain or strategic value rather than on consideration of profit, and (c) to provide commercial surplus with which to finance further economic development. The main objectives of public enterprises in India are as follows: 1. Economic development:Public enterprises were set up to accelerate the rate of economic growth in a planned manner. These enterprises have created a sound industrial base for rapid industrialisation of the country. They are expected to provide infrastructure facilities for promoting balanced and diversified economic structure of development. 2. Self-reliance: Another aim of public enterprises is to promote self-reliance in strategic sectors of the national economy. For this purpose, public enterprises have been set up in transportation, communication, energy, petro-chemicals, and other key and basic industries. . Development of backward Areas: Several public enterprises were established in backward areas to reduce regional imbalances in development. Balanced development of different parts of the country is necessary for social as well as strategic reasons. 4. Employment generation: Unemployment has become a serious problem in India. Public enterprises seek to offer gainful employment to millions. In order to protect jobs, several sick units in the private sector have been nationalised. 5. Economic surplus: Public enterprises seek to generate and mobilise surplus for reinvestment.These enterprises earn money and mobilise public savings for industrial development. 6. Egalitarian society: An important objective of public enterprises is to prevent concentration of economic power and growth of private mon opolies. Public sector helps the Government to enforce social control on trade and industry for ensuring equitable distribution of goods and services. Public enterprises protect and promote small scale industries. 7. Consumer welfare: Public enterprises seek to protect consumers from exploitation and profiteering by ensuring supply of essential commodities at cheaper prices.They aim at stabilising prices. 8. Public utilities: Private sector is guided by profit motive. Therefore, it is reluctant to invest money in public utility services like water supply, gas, electricity, public transport. Therefore, the Government has to assume responsibility for providing such services. 9. Defence: Government has to set up public enterprises for production of defence equipment. Supply of such equipment cannot be entrusted for private sector due to the need for utmost secrecy. 10. Labour welfare: Public enterprises serve as model employers.They ensure welfare and social security of employees. Many public enterprises have developed townships, schools, college and hospitals for their workers. Role and Rationale of Public Enterprises The public sector has been playing a vital role in the economic development of the country. In fact the public sector has come to occupy such an important place in our economy that on its effective performance depends largely the achievement of the country's economic and social goals. Public sector is considered a powerful engine of economic development and an important instrument of self-reliance.The main contributions of public enterprises to the country's economy may be described as follows: 1. Filling of gaps: At the time of independence, there existed serious gaps in the industrial structure of the country, particularly in the field of heavy industries. Basic and key industries require huge capital investment, involve considerable risk and suffer from long gestation periods. Private sector concerns do not come forward to establish such industr ies. Public sector has helped to fill up these gaps. The basic infrastructure required for rapid industrialisation has been built up, through the production of strategic capital goods.The public sector has considerably widened the industrial base of the country and speeded up the pace of industrialisation. 2. Employment: Public sector has created millions of jobs to tackle the unemployment problem in the country. Public sector accounts for about two-third of the total employment in the organised industrial sector in India. By taking over many sick units, the public sector has protected the employment of millions. Public sector has also contributed a lot towards the improvement of working and living conditions of workers by serving as a model employer. 3. Balanced regional development:Private industries tend to concentrate in certain regions while other regions remain backward. Public sector undertakings have located their plants in backward and untraded parts of the country. These a reas lacked basic industrial and civic facilities like electricity, water supply, township and manpower. Public enterprises have developed these facilities thereby bringing about complete transformation in the social-economic life of the people in these regions. Steel plants of Bhilai, Rourkela and Durgapur; fertilizer factory at Sindri, machine tool plants in Rajasthan, precision instruments plants in Kerala and Rajasthan, etc. are a few examples of the development of backward regions by the public sector. 4. Optimum utilisation of resources: Public enterprises make better utilisation of scarce resources of the country. They are big in size and able to enjoy the benefits of large scale operations. They help to eliminate wasteful completion and ensure full use of installed capacity. Optimum utilisation of resources results in better and cheaper production. 5. Mobilisation of surplus: The profits earned by public enterprises are reinvested for expansion and diversification. Moreover, public sector concerns like banks and financial nstitutions mobilise scattered public savings thereby helping the process of capital formation in the country. Public enterprises earn considerable foreign exchange through exports. 6. Self reliance: Public enterprises have reduced considerably the need for imports by producing new and better products within the country. These enterprises are also earning considerable amount of foreign exchange through exports. 7. Socialistic pattern of society: Public sector is an instrument for realising social objectives. Public enterprises help to check concentration of wealth and private monopolies.These enterprises can serve as powerful means of economic and social change. 8. Public welfare: Public enterprises help in the establishment of a welfare state in the country. These enterprises supply essential commodities at cheaper rates. A proper balance between demand and supply is created to protect consumers against exploitation by profit hungry businessmen. Public enterprises also protect and promote the interests of workers. Criticism of Public Enterprises [Arguments against Public Enterprises] Public enterprises are opposed on account of weaknesses in their organisation and working.These enterprises generally suffer from the following problems: 1. Delay in completion: Often a very long time is taken in the establishment and completion of public enterprises. Delay in completion leads to increase in the cost of establishment and benefits extracted from them are delayed. 2. Faulty evaluation: Public enterprises are in some cases set upon political considerations. There is no proper evaluation of demand and supply and expected costs and benefits. There are no clear cut objectives and guidelines. In the absence of proper project planning there is under- utilisation of capacity and wastage of national resources. . Heavy overhead costs: Public enterprises often spend huge amounts on providing housing and other amenities to empl oyees. Though such investment is useful for employees but it takes away a large part of capital and the project suffers from financial difficulties. 4. Poor returns: Majority of the public enterprises in India are incurring loss. In some of them the profits earned do not yield a reasonable return on huge investment. Lack of effective financial controls, wasteful expenditure and dogmatic pricing policy result in losses 5. Inefficient management:Due to excessive centralisation of authority and lack of motivation public enterprises are managed inefficiently. High level posts are often occupied by persons lacking necessary expertise but enjoying political support. 6. Political interference: There is frequent interference from politicians and civil servants in the working of public enterprises. Such interference leaves little scope for initiative and freedom of action. Public enterprises enjoy little autonomy and flexibility of operations. 7. Labour problems: In the absence of proper man power planning public enterprises suffer from over-staffing.Jobs are created to fulfil employment goals of the Government. Guarantee of job in these enterprises encourages trade unions to be militant in pursuing their aims. Growth of Public Enterprises in India At the time of independence, public sector in India was confined mainly to railways, communications, defence production and public utility services. Since then the growth of public enterprises has been very rapid. Now public sector consists of public utilities (e. g. , railways, post and telegraph, etc), manufacturing concerns (e. g. , BHEL, SAIL, etc. ), trading organisations (e. g. STC, MMTC, etc. ), service organisations (e. g. , NIDC, RITES, etc. ). SAIL, a Maharatna Company of Govt. of India, is the world's leading and India's largest steel producer with an annual turnover of around Rs. 50,348 crore (FY11-12). It operates and owns 5 integrated steel plants at Rourkela, Bhilai, Durgapur, Bokaro and Burnpur and 3 special s teel plants at Salem, Durgapur and Bhadravati. As part of its global ambition the Company is implementing a massive expansion plan involving project work of building/adding new facilites with emphasis on state of the art green technology.List of Maharatna, Navratna and Miniratna CPSEs As per available information (as on February, 2013) Maharatna CPSEs Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Coal India Limited GAIL (India) Limited Indian Oil Corporation Limited NTPC Limited Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited Steel Authority of India Limited Navratna CPSEs Bharat Electronics Limited Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited Hindustan Aeronautics Limited Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited National Aluminium Company Limited NMDC Limited Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited Oil India LimitedPower Finance Corporation Limited Power Grid Corporation of India Limited Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited Rural Electrification Corporation Limited Shipping Corporation of I ndia Limited Miniratna Category – I CPSEs Airports Authority of India Antrix Corporation Limited Balmer Lawrie & Co. Limited Bharat Dynamics Limited BEML Limited Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited Bridge & Roof Company (India) Limited Central Warehousing Corporation Central Coalfields Limited Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited Cochin Shipyard Limited Container Corporation of India Limited Dredging Corporation of India LimitedEngineers India Limited Ennore Port Limited Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited Goa Shipyard Limited Hindustan Copper Limited HLL Lifecare Limited Hindustan Newsprint Limited Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited Housing & Urban Development Corporation Limited India Tourism Development Corporation Limited Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation Limited IRCON International Limited KIOCL Limited Mazagaon Dock Limited Mahanadi Coalfields Limited Manganese Ore (India) Limited Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemical Limited Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited MMT C Limited MSTC LimitedNational Fertilizers Limited National Seeds Corporation Limited NHPC Limited Northern Coalfields Limited Numaligarh Refinery Limited ONGC Videsh Limited Pawan Hans Helicopters Limited Projects & Development India Limited Railtel Corporation of India Limited Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited RITES Limited SJVN Limited Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited South Eastern Coalfields Limited State Trading Corporation of India Limited Telecommunications Consultants India Limited THDC India Limited Western Coalfields Limited WAPCOS Limited Miniratna Category-II CPSEsBharat Pumps & Compressors Limited Broadcast Engineering Consultants (I) Limited Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited Ed. CIL (India) Limited Engineering Projects (India) Limited FCI Aravali Gypsum & Minerals India Limited Ferro Scrap Nigam Limited HMT (International) Limited HSCC (India) Limited India Trade Promotion Organisation Indian Medicines & Pharmaceuticals Corporation Limited M E C O N Limited National Film Development Corporation Limited National Small Industries Corporation Limited P E C Limited Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited
Monday, September 16, 2019
One flew over the cuckoos nest
One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, the director refers to the many struggles people individually face in life. Through the conflict between Nurse Ratchet and McCarthy, the movie explores the themes of individuality and rebellion against conformity. With these themes, Forman makes various points which help us understand which situations of repression can lead an individual to insanity. These points include: different situations patients overcome, human dignity, and the pressures we face from society to conform.Through these points, Forman encourages the viewer to consider that people react differently in the face of repression, and makes the viewer realize the value of alternative states of perception, rather than simply writing them off as â€Å"crazy. †Nurse Ratchet Is notorious for her desire to exercise complete control over the men who are under her Jurisdiction on the psych ward, both as patients and as employees. In doing so, Nurse Ratchet becomes a metaphor for the entir e mental institution, the government, society at large or any and every powerful institution that exists to regulate, control, and categorize groups of people.The institutions of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest claim that they categorize the patients as insane in order to â€Å"treat†and â€Å"rehabilitate†them. But it quickly becomes clear in the novel that this rehabilitation is more controlling than it is helpful for any mental ailment: the shock treatment table, the red pills that cause memory loss, the daily meetings that pit men against each other, and the list on Nurse Ratchet's desk to record and reward the men for betraying each other's secrets are all ways to force people to obey, not to sake them well.There Is no recreation outdoors. There Is little exposure to the outside world. All stateless and therapy sessions are scheduled with precision, and to deviate from that schedule is to be a nuisance to Nurse Ratchet. This is exactly as Nurse Ratchet prefers i t to be, because she can strip the humanity of her patients in order to be in complete control and run her ward like a machine. The hospital, Just like society, suppresses the individuality of the patients by gaining control of their lives and forcing them to conform.In the movie, the mental hospital is metaphor for the oppression Forman sees in modern society. Through Chief, we see how his way of interpreting the world emphasizes the oppressive social pressure to conform. He sees modern society as a machinelike, oppressive force and the hospital as a repair shop from the people who do not fit Into their role as cogs in the machine. Those who do not conform to society's rules and conventions are considered defective products and are labeled mentally Ill and sent for treatment. In the movie, the hospital is portrayed as a dangerous place.The patients Charlie Seasick, Chief, gettable. He sees Nurse Ratchet as a â€Å"watchful robot, mechanically controlling the ward†. The hospi tal is not about healing, but about dehumidifying and manipulating the patients until they are weak and willing to conform. Another way in which this is done is through the nurses' need to keep the patients medicated. McCarthy, the protagonist, battles against letting the oppressive society make him into a machinelike drone. He manages to maintain his individuality until his ultimate objective- bringing his individuality to others- is complete.However, when his oldness is provoked one too many times by Nurse Ratchet, he ends up being destroyed by modern society's machines of oppression. Through the points Forman is making in the movie, we begin to see the different situations in which the patients struggle to overcome. Whether insane or not, the hospital is undeniably in control of the fates of its patients. Through the points Forman is making in the movie about the hospital's ways of gaining control of the patients, we see how this parallels with the ways in which society gains con trol over individuals.Musher's character is essential to the novel because he battles against the oppressive society, and holds characteristics that clash with ward- representing sexuality, freedom, and self-determination. Throughout the movie, the sane actions of men collides with the insane actions of the institution. Through Chief, the movie establishes that McCarthy is not, in fact, crazy, but rather that he is trying to manipulate the system to his advantage. Musher's trajectory through the novel is the opposite of Chief's: he starts out sane and powerful but ends up a helpless vegetable, having sacrificed himself for the benefit of all the patients.Even though Bromide's comparisons of the hospital with machinery may seem â€Å"crazy†to readers at the beginning of the movie, they actually reveal his insight into the hospital's large power over the patients. In Mills Formant's One Flew over the Cuckoo's NestÃ'› the movie explores the themes of individuality and rebelli on against conformity. Forman makes various points which help us understand which situations of repression can lead an individual to insanity. These points again are these different situations patients overcome, human dignity, and the pressures we face from society to conform.The director notes that Nurse is eke a â€Å"motor pulling too big a load,†hinting at the fact that society cannot contain all of its hidden secrets. Any attempt would overload the system with the amount of people known as â€Å"unstable†and would cause this motor to explode under the pressure. But the point remains that modern society needs no such thing. Instead, individuality and diversity should be embraced, since globalization and the melting pots that cities have become threaten the variety of people that was once so common. People can only learn from diversity and allow the society prospers with fair opportunity for all. One flew over the cuckoos nest One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, the director refers to the many struggles people individually face in life. Through the conflict between Nurse Ratchet and McCarthy, the movie explores the themes of individuality and rebellion against conformity. With these themes, Forman makes various points which help us understand which situations of repression can lead an individual to insanity. These points include: different situations patients overcome, human dignity, and the pressures we face from society to conform.Through these points, Forman encourages the viewer to consider that people react differently in the face of repression, and makes the viewer realize the value of alternative states of perception, rather than simply writing them off as â€Å"crazy. †Nurse Ratchet Is notorious for her desire to exercise complete control over the men who are under her Jurisdiction on the psych ward, both as patients and as employees. In doing so, Nurse Ratchet becomes a metaphor for the entir e mental institution, the government, society at large or any and every powerful institution that exists to regulate, control, and categorize groups of people.The institutions of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest claim that they categorize the patients as insane in order to â€Å"treat†and â€Å"rehabilitate†them. But it quickly becomes clear in the novel that this rehabilitation is more controlling than it is helpful for any mental ailment: the shock treatment table, the red pills that cause memory loss, the daily meetings that pit men against each other, and the list on Nurse Ratchet's desk to record and reward the men for betraying each other's secrets are all ways to force people to obey, not to sake them well.There Is no recreation outdoors. There Is little exposure to the outside world. All stateless and therapy sessions are scheduled with precision, and to deviate from that schedule is to be a nuisance to Nurse Ratchet. This is exactly as Nurse Ratchet prefers i t to be, because she can strip the humanity of her patients in order to be in complete control and run her ward like a machine. The hospital, Just like society, suppresses the individuality of the patients by gaining control of their lives and forcing them to conform.In the movie, the mental hospital is metaphor for the oppression Forman sees in modern society. Through Chief, we see how his way of interpreting the world emphasizes the oppressive social pressure to conform. He sees modern society as a machinelike, oppressive force and the hospital as a repair shop from the people who do not fit Into their role as cogs in the machine. Those who do not conform to society's rules and conventions are considered defective products and are labeled mentally Ill and sent for treatment. In the movie, the hospital is portrayed as a dangerous place.The patients Charlie Seasick, Chief, gettable. He sees Nurse Ratchet as a â€Å"watchful robot, mechanically controlling the ward†. The hospi tal is not about healing, but about dehumidifying and manipulating the patients until they are weak and willing to conform. Another way in which this is done is through the nurses' need to keep the patients medicated. McCarthy, the protagonist, battles against letting the oppressive society make him into a machinelike drone. He manages to maintain his individuality until his ultimate objective- bringing his individuality to others- is complete.However, when his oldness is provoked one too many times by Nurse Ratchet, he ends up being destroyed by modern society's machines of oppression. Through the points Forman is making in the movie, we begin to see the different situations in which the patients struggle to overcome. Whether insane or not, the hospital is undeniably in control of the fates of its patients. Through the points Forman is making in the movie about the hospital's ways of gaining control of the patients, we see how this parallels with the ways in which society gains con trol over individuals.Musher's character is essential to the novel because he battles against the oppressive society, and holds characteristics that clash with ward- representing sexuality, freedom, and self-determination. Throughout the movie, the sane actions of men collides with the insane actions of the institution. Through Chief, the movie establishes that McCarthy is not, in fact, crazy, but rather that he is trying to manipulate the system to his advantage. Musher's trajectory through the novel is the opposite of Chief's: he starts out sane and powerful but ends up a helpless vegetable, having sacrificed himself for the benefit of all the patients.Even though Bromide's comparisons of the hospital with machinery may seem â€Å"crazy†to readers at the beginning of the movie, they actually reveal his insight into the hospital's large power over the patients. In Mills Formant's One Flew over the Cuckoo's NestÃ'› the movie explores the themes of individuality and rebelli on against conformity. Forman makes various points which help us understand which situations of repression can lead an individual to insanity. These points again are these different situations patients overcome, human dignity, and the pressures we face from society to conform.The director notes that Nurse is eke a â€Å"motor pulling too big a load,†hinting at the fact that society cannot contain all of its hidden secrets. Any attempt would overload the system with the amount of people known as â€Å"unstable†and would cause this motor to explode under the pressure. But the point remains that modern society needs no such thing. Instead, individuality and diversity should be embraced, since globalization and the melting pots that cities have become threaten the variety of people that was once so common. People can only learn from diversity and allow the society prospers with fair opportunity for all. One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest In Ken Kesey's novel One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, society consideres the patients as insane individuals with only the hopes of being treated. Dale Harding, one of the acutes, stated â€Å"Never before did I realiz that mental illness could have the aspect of power, power. Think of it: perhaps the more insane a man is, the more powerful he could become†, by this Harding realizes that mental illness has the power to bring fear, and the power to manipulate people. Due to their mental illnesses, both characters, Chief Bromden and Billy Bibbit, appear to be weak and powerless. However both have the aspect of true power, and with that their potential for freedom is greater. Chief Bromden uses the power of silence to his advantage. Everyone on the ward thinks that he is deaf and dumb, however, their perception on the Cheif is wrong, because of what happenes in the novel’s end. Chief Bromden is a very large man who unfortunetly thinks of himself as being miniscule. His silece provides positive effects; he is able to hear everything that goes on in the meetings where the doctors and nurses discuss the future of the patients. The doctors and nurses don’t think that Chief Bromden can hear what they are saying, so therefor they don’t hesitate to say anything in front of him. â€Å"They don’t bother not talking out loud about their hate secrets when I’m nearby because they think I’m deaf and dumb†(10). This is very beneficial because Chief Bromden knows what takes place in the ward, and knows what it takes to survive. Although he appears powerless, he actually has a lot of power because of all the knowledge he’s gained through observation and listening in on conversations. Chief states that the world is like a great big machine, Combine, and everybody is just part of that machine. The parts that are broken are sent to this hospital to be â€Å"fixed†again – to be wired back into this machine. He doesn’t want to be part of it, and hides in the fog. He resists it and part of the resistance is pretending to be deaf and speechless. He describes the Big Nurse in machine, â€Å"she blows up bigger and bigger, big as a tractor, so big I can smell the machinery inside the way you smell a motor pulling too big a load†¦. her gestures are] precise, automatic [and] her face is smooth, calculated, and precision-made. †(p. 5). Eventually, Chief shows that he can speak and hear perfectly. He tries to protect McMurphy by explaining how the system works based on what he has observed. He tells McMurphy that the nurse will go to prevent McMurphy from gaining power. But, McMurphy is too confident. Chief tries to protect McMurphy again wh en he gets into a fight with the black boys. And he tries to protect McMurphy again when they go to the disturbed ward and are subjected to electroshock therapy; the only ways of keeping the asylum patients controlled. When McMurphy finally returns to the ward as a vegetable, Chief frees him from the physical pain of his body and sofocates him with a pillow. Because of McMurphy, Chief finally has the true power and courage to break free from the hospital through a window after breaking it the way McMurphy trained him to do so. Ironically, the Cheif's insanity allowed him to attain a power beyond his limits; a power that gave him freedom and allowed him to escape the crazy world in the hospital. One flew over the cuckoos nest One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, the director refers to the many struggles people individually face in life. Through the conflict between Nurse Ratchet and McCarthy, the movie explores the themes of individuality and rebellion against conformity. With these themes, Forman makes various points which help us understand which situations of repression can lead an individual to insanity. These points include: different situations patients overcome, human dignity, and the pressures we face from society to conform.Through these points, Forman encourages the viewer to consider that people react differently in the face of repression, and makes the viewer realize the value of alternative states of perception, rather than simply writing them off as â€Å"crazy. †Nurse Ratchet Is notorious for her desire to exercise complete control over the men who are under her Jurisdiction on the psych ward, both as patients and as employees. In doing so, Nurse Ratchet becomes a metaphor for the entir e mental institution, the government, society at large or any and every powerful institution that exists to regulate, control, and categorize groups of people.The institutions of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest claim that they categorize the patients as insane in order to â€Å"treat†and â€Å"rehabilitate†them. But it quickly becomes clear in the novel that this rehabilitation is more controlling than it is helpful for any mental ailment: the shock treatment table, the red pills that cause memory loss, the daily meetings that pit men against each other, and the list on Nurse Ratchet's desk to record and reward the men for betraying each other's secrets are all ways to force people to obey, not to sake them well.There Is no recreation outdoors. There Is little exposure to the outside world. All stateless and therapy sessions are scheduled with precision, and to deviate from that schedule is to be a nuisance to Nurse Ratchet. This is exactly as Nurse Ratchet prefers i t to be, because she can strip the humanity of her patients in order to be in complete control and run her ward like a machine. The hospital, Just like society, suppresses the individuality of the patients by gaining control of their lives and forcing them to conform.In the movie, the mental hospital is metaphor for the oppression Forman sees in modern society. Through Chief, we see how his way of interpreting the world emphasizes the oppressive social pressure to conform. He sees modern society as a machinelike, oppressive force and the hospital as a repair shop from the people who do not fit Into their role as cogs in the machine. Those who do not conform to society's rules and conventions are considered defective products and are labeled mentally Ill and sent for treatment. In the movie, the hospital is portrayed as a dangerous place.The patients Charlie Seasick, Chief, gettable. He sees Nurse Ratchet as a â€Å"watchful robot, mechanically controlling the ward†. The hospi tal is not about healing, but about dehumidifying and manipulating the patients until they are weak and willing to conform. Another way in which this is done is through the nurses' need to keep the patients medicated. McCarthy, the protagonist, battles against letting the oppressive society make him into a machinelike drone. He manages to maintain his individuality until his ultimate objective- bringing his individuality to others- is complete.However, when his oldness is provoked one too many times by Nurse Ratchet, he ends up being destroyed by modern society's machines of oppression. Through the points Forman is making in the movie, we begin to see the different situations in which the patients struggle to overcome. Whether insane or not, the hospital is undeniably in control of the fates of its patients. Through the points Forman is making in the movie about the hospital's ways of gaining control of the patients, we see how this parallels with the ways in which society gains con trol over individuals.Musher's character is essential to the novel because he battles against the oppressive society, and holds characteristics that clash with ward- representing sexuality, freedom, and self-determination. Throughout the movie, the sane actions of men collides with the insane actions of the institution. Through Chief, the movie establishes that McCarthy is not, in fact, crazy, but rather that he is trying to manipulate the system to his advantage. Musher's trajectory through the novel is the opposite of Chief's: he starts out sane and powerful but ends up a helpless vegetable, having sacrificed himself for the benefit of all the patients.Even though Bromide's comparisons of the hospital with machinery may seem â€Å"crazy†to readers at the beginning of the movie, they actually reveal his insight into the hospital's large power over the patients. In Mills Formant's One Flew over the Cuckoo's NestÃ'› the movie explores the themes of individuality and rebelli on against conformity. Forman makes various points which help us understand which situations of repression can lead an individual to insanity. These points again are these different situations patients overcome, human dignity, and the pressures we face from society to conform.The director notes that Nurse is eke a â€Å"motor pulling too big a load,†hinting at the fact that society cannot contain all of its hidden secrets. Any attempt would overload the system with the amount of people known as â€Å"unstable†and would cause this motor to explode under the pressure. But the point remains that modern society needs no such thing. Instead, individuality and diversity should be embraced, since globalization and the melting pots that cities have become threaten the variety of people that was once so common. People can only learn from diversity and allow the society prospers with fair opportunity for all.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Poetry Analysis: Barbie Doll Poem
Society often saddles women with limiting and unrealistic expectations concerning beauty. This results in a sense of physical inadequacy and a low self-image for those women who do not uphold those features identified as aesthetically attractive. As the poem entitled â€Å"Barbie Doll,†by Marge Piercy shows through its word choice and tone, the results can often be devastating. There is a pointed and troubling contrast in the 2nd stanza, which describes a female subject of markedly admirable qualities.Indeed, it is almost implied that these qualities are somehow male in their nature. Her health, intelligence and strength are praised, as are her sex drive and physical abilities. We might therefore deduce that the subject being describes is an inherently attractive figure with qualities suitable for affection and mating. And yet, the resolution of this stanza is the juxtaposition which tells of a woman who is apologetic for those features divergent from female idealization.And were it simply a low self-esteem at the root of this apologetic nature, it might be deduced that the subject is also Piercy’s object of criticism. However, the 3rd stanza makes quite clear that the woman is at the mercy of that which is expected of her by others. Society’s pressures, implied by the sarcastic tone in the first stanza concerning female targeted toys which influence early the ideal role and identity of the woman, are reinforced in a more damning fashion by the 3rd stanza, which notes that ‘she was advised’ to craft herself according to how others expected her to be.Those unique and admirable qualities amounted to nothing as she was impressed upon to be thinner and more concurrent with the ideal of beauty. As Piercy tells, first she surrenders those qualities of her persona which made her appreciable and, consequently, she surrenders her life. She becomes the ‘Barbie Doll’ which invokes the standard image of beauty in our culture, as attractive, plastic and inanimate as a child’s play thing.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Pig Cruelty Essay
Pig Cruelty Around 1. 3 billion pigs are slaughtered annually for meat worldwide. The majority of these are in East Asia, particularly China, which rears around half of the world’s pigs. They are usually slaughtered after 4-7 months. Pigs intended for pork are usually slaughtered 1-2 months younger than pigs for bacon. I think that the way pigs are being raised and slaughtered is corrupt and barbaric. Mother pigs; spend most of their lives in individual â€Å"gestation†crates that are approximately seven feet long and two feet wide, not large enough for them to turn around in.Just before giving birth they are moved to â€Å"farrowing†crates, which also are not large enough for them to turn around in or build nests for their young. The deprived environment produces neurotic coping behaviours such as repetitive bar biting, sham chewing and obsessively pressing on water bottles. Piglets are taken from their mothers when they are as young as 10 days old and are pac ked into pens until they are separated to be raised for breeding or meat. They are too overcrowded and prone to stress-related behaviours, such as cannibalism and tail biting.On a television episode of TV ones Sunday that I watched, the New Zealand pork industry was dealt a shameful and public relations slap-in-the-face after its former comedian celebrity kingpin, Mike King, ousted their farming practises as ‘brutal’, callous’ and ‘evil’. Mike condemned the â€Å"appalling treatment†of factory farmed pigs. He observed inside a New Zealand piggery and found a dead female pig inside a sow stall, lame or crippled pigs and others that could barely stand. Pigs either extremely depressed or highly distressed, pigs that had scars and injuries and a lack of clean drinking water.Mike says â€Å"they were screaming and frothing at the mouth, I was disgusted and I’m sorry I was ever a part of promoting it†. This is no joke, real life †˜Babes’ see no sun in their limited lives, except for when being loaded onto the truck to be slaughtered; they have no hay to lie on, no mud to roll around in, not like in our childhood books and movies. There is no freedom or joy in their short lives; it is a misery from the day they are born to the day they die. Pigs feel pain just as humans do. Imagine living in your own urine and faeces?No one would want to live like that, so why do we do this to them? Bacon, pork and ham are all very lovely food indeed, but is it needed to treat them like this? If this is the case, I’m not sure I want to continue eating these foods. I understand the fact that free range products are expensive, but if the government made factory farming illegal then there would be more competition, so they will have to compete with prices. If we all made a push towards making factory farming illegal then I believe it would be more cost effective. Just think about how much healthier the meat would be.At the end of the day it’s not just the pig farmers that need to wake up, we all do†¦ If we really wanted to we could put a stop to this cruelty, by only buying free range products; starting protesting; making petitions, but we do not and this where collective guilt comes into it. If New Zealanders or better yet, the world started doing these things we could easily stop the market for factory farmed pigs, and farmers would be forced to change their practice. If your packet does not read ‘free range’, you know the truth. Help stop pig cruelty today. Kendell Gaskell
Friday, September 13, 2019
Principles of entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Principles of entrepreneurship - Essay Example Finally, the paper looks at how entrepreneurs can recognize opportunities and generate business ideas. Introduction An entrepreneur is an individual who establishes a new organization without the benefit of corporate sponsorship. Entrepreneurs venture into new business opportunities with the aim of having growth and high profitability as their primary objectives. Several myths have been developed concerning entrepreneurs. Most people believe that entrepreneurs can start new businesses, they are gamblers, they always want to own business and be completely independent, entrepreneurs work longer and harder than managers in big companies, they experience a great deal of stress and pay a high price and they are always solely motivated by the quest for the almighty dollar. In addition to this, entrepreneurs seek power and control over others and they are talented and have good ideas (Acs Z. and Audretsch, 2010). Most entrepreneurs venture into businesses for various reasons such as to gain better quality lives, to increase their profit potentials, as well as desire for independence. Most entrepreneurs possess certain elements like innovation and creativity, management skills, social networks, and effective communication (Ramoglou, 2013). . The following figure summarizes the characteristics of entrepreneurs. Literature Review Value proposition is creating utility of a product or a service to the customers thi is according to (Bovert and Martha, 2000). On the other hand, (Best, 2007) defines value proposition as all key elements included I a situation and the benefits the target customer is searching for while purchasing a product or a service. However, Sheehy, Bracey and Frazier, 1996) defines value proposition as the bundle of value that an organization delivers to its customers and this does not only include the price, selection, service, but also the intangibles like brand image and equity. The authors believe that value proposition is not only purchasing the prod uct or the service but what the customer is thinking about while purchasing the product. The following diagram shows the components of value proposition. From the diagram above it is evident that value proposition contains components such as value expectations on one side and a partners role and relative competitive position on the side of the organization. From the diagram above, value proposition entails various factors such as the market value of the proposition being created. The customer’s experiences with the value are also considered while the product and service offered is also put into consideration. Entrepreneurs then look at the benefits that will be derived from the product and services and look at alternatives that the market provides for its products and services. Finally, the entrepreneur must think about substantiate evidence that the proposition is offering. After this, the entrepreneurs are expected to review the benefits, costs, and value that the organizat ion is offering to the customers, prospective customers both within and outside the organization. In summary, the value proposition is a promise of value to be delivered and a belief from the customer that value will be experienced. There is the need for entrepreneurs to understand that there are those customers who are slow to adapt to the value proposi
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Wal-Mart's Employees are Motivated to do Their Jobs Essay
Wal-Mart's Employees are Motivated to do Their Jobs - Essay Example If Wal-Mart treated its employees so poorly, they would not be motivated in their jobs and the corporation would not succeed. So, how does Wal-Mart motivate its employees? They are motivated because the working environment in the stores creates a team atmosphere, because they can move up in position and are provided good benefits by the company, and because they feel that they help customers. Wal-Mart retail employees work in departments that provide a positive environment by using teams that motivate the workers to perform their job well. Each worker in a department has a specific task, and all members of the department work together to achieve the department’s goal. Because all the workers have a task that leads to a goal, they all have to depend on each other. This interdependence makes the team strong and provides a sense of belonging for the employees. Just like a sports team, each Wal-Mart department needs employees that work together in order to be successful. If one pe rson does not work, the team will not achieve their departmental goal. So, the employees are motivated to do their jobs for each other. The feeling of belonging is one of the most motivating of all human needs, but employees need more than just a sense of belonging. Wal-Mart provides other needs of the employees by giving them great benefits. One of these benefits is the opportunity to move to higher positions. Wal-Mart promotes within the company, so an employee that works hard can become a store manager. Workers who have the chance to better themselves are more motivated to prove their worth at their current level. Wal-Mart also provides employees with health insurance and life insurance. One of the greatest of human needs is the protection of health and family. Since the company gives benefits that allow employees to provide for themselves and their families, the workers feel thankful and are motivated to achieve in their roles. While employees are working each day, they also ear n vacation and sick leave. This benefit allows employees to spend time with their families which helps provide for the social growth of the family. But, despite all these extrinsic motivations, the greatest motivation the corporation provides is intrinsic. The main reason that Wal-Mart employees are motivated to do their jobs well is because they are helping customers. Wal-Mart sells items that are necessities for many people. Without Wal-Mart, most Americans would not be able to purchase the goods needed for their families, especially since the current economy has closed many stores that once provided products now only available at Wal-Mart. Additionally, for many customers, Wal-Mart’s low prices allow them to purchase more food and other items than they normally would, which is also important in a economy in recession. Because of all these factors, Wal-Mart employees feel good about helping customers get the items they need. They understand that by doing their jobs well the y are helping customers’ lives, and these customers are people who are just like them. When employees feel positive about the work they are doing, they are motivated to work harder. Despite what many critics say, Wal-Mart retail workers are motivated to do their jobs. Wal-Mart provides an excellent team working situation that gives employees a sense of belonging. Also, Wal-Mart provides good benefits for its employees that allow them to provide for th
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
The Psychology of Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
The Psychology of Marketing - Essay Example Several studies have been conducted to identify the base on which to draw ideas regarding attachment as a characteristic of individual-material object relationships. Stacy and Moreau (2006) argue that individuals feel less connected to certain objects than to others. Additional studies requiring participants to list possessions they value according to order of preference deduct that possessions listed topmost form a larger part of the self than the possessions which are lowly listed or not listed at all. It is for this reason that it can be deduced that people have certain possessions that they have a strong attachment towards as compared to others.Another study by Wallendorf and Arnould (1988) on Nigerians and South-western Americans found out that the link between a person and an object can be reflected in the cultural beliefs of the person. Some objects in both communities had been held by individuals as valued possessions. Another social culture study by Csikszentmihalyi and Roch berg-Halton in 1981 on Chicago residents found that male participants had little attachment to household possessions as compared to females.Researchers have proven it true that the possessions each and every person have are linked to them in some way which is why we buy a commodity that will exhibit the needs and/or wants of each person. Many measure other people via what they possess, the house they occupy, the car they drive, among other things; which makes the setting up of particular material goals a common thing all through the lives of people. All of us keep certain materials close to us and treasure them even when time has passed since their value was recognized. All this materials that we value pose as a representation of particular things for a given reason, in some cases; the cherished things are usually worth of giving up while in other cases, they represent things in one’s life that are almost or totally impossible, in short, the things we have developed a strong attachment with. Particular possessions are kept to help someone reflect upon their past selves or used as a remembrance of most valued persons or events in their lives. The attachment that exists between human beings and their possessions is a common experience among consumers yet the source of the attachment and what the attachment really is are less understood. At this stage, it is important to view attachment as a human-possession association. The current market place is full of thousands of advertisements every now and then which makes it hard to get to attract the attention of the target client so that they can see your ad(s). In order for this to happen, the marketer must have a detailed understanding of the client so that the advert created speaks a direct and effective message that the client sees as important and not what the marketer sees as important. It is vital for the marketing section of an organization to reach out to the people and inform them that they care about their thoughts and what is significant in their lives. Psychological marketing is better understood if an understanding of the saying â€Å"people do not want your product or service†is better too (Elliott, Rundle-Thiele, and Waller, 2011). They will always want you to give those answers, solutions, pathways, or secret openings to the desires of their hearts yet they do not want to pay for them. Why do they pay? The answer to this question can only be
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Macroeconomics - Quantitative Easing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Macroeconomics - Quantitative Easing - Essay Example Expansionary policies involve the purchase of short term monetary government bonds by the central bank in order to lower the market interest rate. However, when the interest rates are minimal or at zero, traditional monetary policies cannot lower the interest rate any further. In quantitative easing, the economy is boosted by other methods. Short-term as well as long-term bonds are purchased and the yield has a high probability of increasing. (Krishnamurthy and Vissing-Jorgensen, 2011) Quantitative easing is supposed to keep the inflation in check. However, the goods in the market to be sold have a fixed quantity and therefore, even a flooding of capital will not lead to an increase in the amount of goods and thus, it could actually lead to more inflation (Trefgarne, 2009). The interest rate of the economy is targeted by open market operations, which are the buying and selling of bonds (short-term government bonds) from banks and other financial institutions. The central bank gives o ut the bonds and collects money from this process, and this in turn also affects the money supply and the interbank interest rate (Wieland, 2009). When a central bank cannot change the interest rate, they face a liquidity trap, and quantitative easing changes the economy’s scenario without affecting the interest rate. It is only related to the money supply when the interest rate cannot be further lowered. Therefore, it is also a policy that is used as a last resort measure rather than as a first resort one (Wieland, 2009). Also, even though central banks cannot affect the interest rate further, they are the ones who carry out quantitative easing because their money is the one which is acceptable by everyone. However, in some cases, central banks cannot carry out their own quantitative easing and are dependent on other central banks to carry it out for them (Wieland, 2009). b) UK has a unique method of employing quantitative easing in order to spur growth in the economy and ch ange the money supply and keep the inflation rate in check at about 2%. Their first policy was to buy gilt-edged securities from institutions that are not banks. These also include bonds that are issued by national governments, also referred to as debt securities. Secondly, they conduct Open Market Operations, which were open to their gilt counterparts as well (Congdon, 2009). The lowest bids started being acceptable by banks, the standard of comparison being the market prices. Lastly, the HM treasury condemned APF (Asset Purchase Facility) which was initiated in 2009, when the commercial paper was financed primarily by T-bills and gilts. There are not only short-term gilts that are used, but also long-term gilts in this process of quantitative easing. They also borrow money from insurance companies and pension funds. People can also keep more money in their bank accounts than they did before, as one of the ways to boost money in the economy. This way banks, apart from the central b ank, will have more money in order to lend more (Congdon, 2009). The two main outcomes of assessing the situation were assessing the portfolios and the events that occurred. Portfolio rebalancing may cause UK investor to demand to go on a hike and gilt’s yield has decreased by a hundred points since this policy has been implemented. However, it is hard to tell the
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