Monday, September 16, 2019
One flew over the cuckoos nest
One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, the director refers to the many struggles people individually face in life. Through the conflict between Nurse Ratchet and McCarthy, the movie explores the themes of individuality and rebellion against conformity. With these themes, Forman makes various points which help us understand which situations of repression can lead an individual to insanity. These points include: different situations patients overcome, human dignity, and the pressures we face from society to conform.Through these points, Forman encourages the viewer to consider that people react differently in the face of repression, and makes the viewer realize the value of alternative states of perception, rather than simply writing them off as â€Å"crazy. †Nurse Ratchet Is notorious for her desire to exercise complete control over the men who are under her Jurisdiction on the psych ward, both as patients and as employees. In doing so, Nurse Ratchet becomes a metaphor for the entir e mental institution, the government, society at large or any and every powerful institution that exists to regulate, control, and categorize groups of people.The institutions of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest claim that they categorize the patients as insane in order to â€Å"treat†and â€Å"rehabilitate†them. But it quickly becomes clear in the novel that this rehabilitation is more controlling than it is helpful for any mental ailment: the shock treatment table, the red pills that cause memory loss, the daily meetings that pit men against each other, and the list on Nurse Ratchet's desk to record and reward the men for betraying each other's secrets are all ways to force people to obey, not to sake them well.There Is no recreation outdoors. There Is little exposure to the outside world. All stateless and therapy sessions are scheduled with precision, and to deviate from that schedule is to be a nuisance to Nurse Ratchet. This is exactly as Nurse Ratchet prefers i t to be, because she can strip the humanity of her patients in order to be in complete control and run her ward like a machine. The hospital, Just like society, suppresses the individuality of the patients by gaining control of their lives and forcing them to conform.In the movie, the mental hospital is metaphor for the oppression Forman sees in modern society. Through Chief, we see how his way of interpreting the world emphasizes the oppressive social pressure to conform. He sees modern society as a machinelike, oppressive force and the hospital as a repair shop from the people who do not fit Into their role as cogs in the machine. Those who do not conform to society's rules and conventions are considered defective products and are labeled mentally Ill and sent for treatment. In the movie, the hospital is portrayed as a dangerous place.The patients Charlie Seasick, Chief, gettable. He sees Nurse Ratchet as a â€Å"watchful robot, mechanically controlling the ward†. The hospi tal is not about healing, but about dehumidifying and manipulating the patients until they are weak and willing to conform. Another way in which this is done is through the nurses' need to keep the patients medicated. McCarthy, the protagonist, battles against letting the oppressive society make him into a machinelike drone. He manages to maintain his individuality until his ultimate objective- bringing his individuality to others- is complete.However, when his oldness is provoked one too many times by Nurse Ratchet, he ends up being destroyed by modern society's machines of oppression. Through the points Forman is making in the movie, we begin to see the different situations in which the patients struggle to overcome. Whether insane or not, the hospital is undeniably in control of the fates of its patients. Through the points Forman is making in the movie about the hospital's ways of gaining control of the patients, we see how this parallels with the ways in which society gains con trol over individuals.Musher's character is essential to the novel because he battles against the oppressive society, and holds characteristics that clash with ward- representing sexuality, freedom, and self-determination. Throughout the movie, the sane actions of men collides with the insane actions of the institution. Through Chief, the movie establishes that McCarthy is not, in fact, crazy, but rather that he is trying to manipulate the system to his advantage. Musher's trajectory through the novel is the opposite of Chief's: he starts out sane and powerful but ends up a helpless vegetable, having sacrificed himself for the benefit of all the patients.Even though Bromide's comparisons of the hospital with machinery may seem â€Å"crazy†to readers at the beginning of the movie, they actually reveal his insight into the hospital's large power over the patients. In Mills Formant's One Flew over the Cuckoo's NestÃ'› the movie explores the themes of individuality and rebelli on against conformity. Forman makes various points which help us understand which situations of repression can lead an individual to insanity. These points again are these different situations patients overcome, human dignity, and the pressures we face from society to conform.The director notes that Nurse is eke a â€Å"motor pulling too big a load,†hinting at the fact that society cannot contain all of its hidden secrets. Any attempt would overload the system with the amount of people known as â€Å"unstable†and would cause this motor to explode under the pressure. But the point remains that modern society needs no such thing. Instead, individuality and diversity should be embraced, since globalization and the melting pots that cities have become threaten the variety of people that was once so common. People can only learn from diversity and allow the society prospers with fair opportunity for all. One flew over the cuckoos nest One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, the director refers to the many struggles people individually face in life. Through the conflict between Nurse Ratchet and McCarthy, the movie explores the themes of individuality and rebellion against conformity. With these themes, Forman makes various points which help us understand which situations of repression can lead an individual to insanity. These points include: different situations patients overcome, human dignity, and the pressures we face from society to conform.Through these points, Forman encourages the viewer to consider that people react differently in the face of repression, and makes the viewer realize the value of alternative states of perception, rather than simply writing them off as â€Å"crazy. †Nurse Ratchet Is notorious for her desire to exercise complete control over the men who are under her Jurisdiction on the psych ward, both as patients and as employees. In doing so, Nurse Ratchet becomes a metaphor for the entir e mental institution, the government, society at large or any and every powerful institution that exists to regulate, control, and categorize groups of people.The institutions of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest claim that they categorize the patients as insane in order to â€Å"treat†and â€Å"rehabilitate†them. But it quickly becomes clear in the novel that this rehabilitation is more controlling than it is helpful for any mental ailment: the shock treatment table, the red pills that cause memory loss, the daily meetings that pit men against each other, and the list on Nurse Ratchet's desk to record and reward the men for betraying each other's secrets are all ways to force people to obey, not to sake them well.There Is no recreation outdoors. There Is little exposure to the outside world. All stateless and therapy sessions are scheduled with precision, and to deviate from that schedule is to be a nuisance to Nurse Ratchet. This is exactly as Nurse Ratchet prefers i t to be, because she can strip the humanity of her patients in order to be in complete control and run her ward like a machine. The hospital, Just like society, suppresses the individuality of the patients by gaining control of their lives and forcing them to conform.In the movie, the mental hospital is metaphor for the oppression Forman sees in modern society. Through Chief, we see how his way of interpreting the world emphasizes the oppressive social pressure to conform. He sees modern society as a machinelike, oppressive force and the hospital as a repair shop from the people who do not fit Into their role as cogs in the machine. Those who do not conform to society's rules and conventions are considered defective products and are labeled mentally Ill and sent for treatment. In the movie, the hospital is portrayed as a dangerous place.The patients Charlie Seasick, Chief, gettable. He sees Nurse Ratchet as a â€Å"watchful robot, mechanically controlling the ward†. The hospi tal is not about healing, but about dehumidifying and manipulating the patients until they are weak and willing to conform. Another way in which this is done is through the nurses' need to keep the patients medicated. McCarthy, the protagonist, battles against letting the oppressive society make him into a machinelike drone. He manages to maintain his individuality until his ultimate objective- bringing his individuality to others- is complete.However, when his oldness is provoked one too many times by Nurse Ratchet, he ends up being destroyed by modern society's machines of oppression. Through the points Forman is making in the movie, we begin to see the different situations in which the patients struggle to overcome. Whether insane or not, the hospital is undeniably in control of the fates of its patients. Through the points Forman is making in the movie about the hospital's ways of gaining control of the patients, we see how this parallels with the ways in which society gains con trol over individuals.Musher's character is essential to the novel because he battles against the oppressive society, and holds characteristics that clash with ward- representing sexuality, freedom, and self-determination. Throughout the movie, the sane actions of men collides with the insane actions of the institution. Through Chief, the movie establishes that McCarthy is not, in fact, crazy, but rather that he is trying to manipulate the system to his advantage. Musher's trajectory through the novel is the opposite of Chief's: he starts out sane and powerful but ends up a helpless vegetable, having sacrificed himself for the benefit of all the patients.Even though Bromide's comparisons of the hospital with machinery may seem â€Å"crazy†to readers at the beginning of the movie, they actually reveal his insight into the hospital's large power over the patients. In Mills Formant's One Flew over the Cuckoo's NestÃ'› the movie explores the themes of individuality and rebelli on against conformity. Forman makes various points which help us understand which situations of repression can lead an individual to insanity. These points again are these different situations patients overcome, human dignity, and the pressures we face from society to conform.The director notes that Nurse is eke a â€Å"motor pulling too big a load,†hinting at the fact that society cannot contain all of its hidden secrets. Any attempt would overload the system with the amount of people known as â€Å"unstable†and would cause this motor to explode under the pressure. But the point remains that modern society needs no such thing. Instead, individuality and diversity should be embraced, since globalization and the melting pots that cities have become threaten the variety of people that was once so common. People can only learn from diversity and allow the society prospers with fair opportunity for all. One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest In Ken Kesey's novel One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, society consideres the patients as insane individuals with only the hopes of being treated. Dale Harding, one of the acutes, stated â€Å"Never before did I realiz that mental illness could have the aspect of power, power. Think of it: perhaps the more insane a man is, the more powerful he could become†, by this Harding realizes that mental illness has the power to bring fear, and the power to manipulate people. Due to their mental illnesses, both characters, Chief Bromden and Billy Bibbit, appear to be weak and powerless. However both have the aspect of true power, and with that their potential for freedom is greater. Chief Bromden uses the power of silence to his advantage. Everyone on the ward thinks that he is deaf and dumb, however, their perception on the Cheif is wrong, because of what happenes in the novel’s end. Chief Bromden is a very large man who unfortunetly thinks of himself as being miniscule. His silece provides positive effects; he is able to hear everything that goes on in the meetings where the doctors and nurses discuss the future of the patients. The doctors and nurses don’t think that Chief Bromden can hear what they are saying, so therefor they don’t hesitate to say anything in front of him. â€Å"They don’t bother not talking out loud about their hate secrets when I’m nearby because they think I’m deaf and dumb†(10). This is very beneficial because Chief Bromden knows what takes place in the ward, and knows what it takes to survive. Although he appears powerless, he actually has a lot of power because of all the knowledge he’s gained through observation and listening in on conversations. Chief states that the world is like a great big machine, Combine, and everybody is just part of that machine. The parts that are broken are sent to this hospital to be â€Å"fixed†again – to be wired back into this machine. He doesn’t want to be part of it, and hides in the fog. He resists it and part of the resistance is pretending to be deaf and speechless. He describes the Big Nurse in machine, â€Å"she blows up bigger and bigger, big as a tractor, so big I can smell the machinery inside the way you smell a motor pulling too big a load†¦. her gestures are] precise, automatic [and] her face is smooth, calculated, and precision-made. †(p. 5). Eventually, Chief shows that he can speak and hear perfectly. He tries to protect McMurphy by explaining how the system works based on what he has observed. He tells McMurphy that the nurse will go to prevent McMurphy from gaining power. But, McMurphy is too confident. Chief tries to protect McMurphy again wh en he gets into a fight with the black boys. And he tries to protect McMurphy again when they go to the disturbed ward and are subjected to electroshock therapy; the only ways of keeping the asylum patients controlled. When McMurphy finally returns to the ward as a vegetable, Chief frees him from the physical pain of his body and sofocates him with a pillow. Because of McMurphy, Chief finally has the true power and courage to break free from the hospital through a window after breaking it the way McMurphy trained him to do so. Ironically, the Cheif's insanity allowed him to attain a power beyond his limits; a power that gave him freedom and allowed him to escape the crazy world in the hospital. One flew over the cuckoos nest One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, the director refers to the many struggles people individually face in life. Through the conflict between Nurse Ratchet and McCarthy, the movie explores the themes of individuality and rebellion against conformity. With these themes, Forman makes various points which help us understand which situations of repression can lead an individual to insanity. These points include: different situations patients overcome, human dignity, and the pressures we face from society to conform.Through these points, Forman encourages the viewer to consider that people react differently in the face of repression, and makes the viewer realize the value of alternative states of perception, rather than simply writing them off as â€Å"crazy. †Nurse Ratchet Is notorious for her desire to exercise complete control over the men who are under her Jurisdiction on the psych ward, both as patients and as employees. In doing so, Nurse Ratchet becomes a metaphor for the entir e mental institution, the government, society at large or any and every powerful institution that exists to regulate, control, and categorize groups of people.The institutions of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest claim that they categorize the patients as insane in order to â€Å"treat†and â€Å"rehabilitate†them. But it quickly becomes clear in the novel that this rehabilitation is more controlling than it is helpful for any mental ailment: the shock treatment table, the red pills that cause memory loss, the daily meetings that pit men against each other, and the list on Nurse Ratchet's desk to record and reward the men for betraying each other's secrets are all ways to force people to obey, not to sake them well.There Is no recreation outdoors. There Is little exposure to the outside world. All stateless and therapy sessions are scheduled with precision, and to deviate from that schedule is to be a nuisance to Nurse Ratchet. This is exactly as Nurse Ratchet prefers i t to be, because she can strip the humanity of her patients in order to be in complete control and run her ward like a machine. The hospital, Just like society, suppresses the individuality of the patients by gaining control of their lives and forcing them to conform.In the movie, the mental hospital is metaphor for the oppression Forman sees in modern society. Through Chief, we see how his way of interpreting the world emphasizes the oppressive social pressure to conform. He sees modern society as a machinelike, oppressive force and the hospital as a repair shop from the people who do not fit Into their role as cogs in the machine. Those who do not conform to society's rules and conventions are considered defective products and are labeled mentally Ill and sent for treatment. In the movie, the hospital is portrayed as a dangerous place.The patients Charlie Seasick, Chief, gettable. He sees Nurse Ratchet as a â€Å"watchful robot, mechanically controlling the ward†. The hospi tal is not about healing, but about dehumidifying and manipulating the patients until they are weak and willing to conform. Another way in which this is done is through the nurses' need to keep the patients medicated. McCarthy, the protagonist, battles against letting the oppressive society make him into a machinelike drone. He manages to maintain his individuality until his ultimate objective- bringing his individuality to others- is complete.However, when his oldness is provoked one too many times by Nurse Ratchet, he ends up being destroyed by modern society's machines of oppression. Through the points Forman is making in the movie, we begin to see the different situations in which the patients struggle to overcome. Whether insane or not, the hospital is undeniably in control of the fates of its patients. Through the points Forman is making in the movie about the hospital's ways of gaining control of the patients, we see how this parallels with the ways in which society gains con trol over individuals.Musher's character is essential to the novel because he battles against the oppressive society, and holds characteristics that clash with ward- representing sexuality, freedom, and self-determination. Throughout the movie, the sane actions of men collides with the insane actions of the institution. Through Chief, the movie establishes that McCarthy is not, in fact, crazy, but rather that he is trying to manipulate the system to his advantage. Musher's trajectory through the novel is the opposite of Chief's: he starts out sane and powerful but ends up a helpless vegetable, having sacrificed himself for the benefit of all the patients.Even though Bromide's comparisons of the hospital with machinery may seem â€Å"crazy†to readers at the beginning of the movie, they actually reveal his insight into the hospital's large power over the patients. In Mills Formant's One Flew over the Cuckoo's NestÃ'› the movie explores the themes of individuality and rebelli on against conformity. Forman makes various points which help us understand which situations of repression can lead an individual to insanity. These points again are these different situations patients overcome, human dignity, and the pressures we face from society to conform.The director notes that Nurse is eke a â€Å"motor pulling too big a load,†hinting at the fact that society cannot contain all of its hidden secrets. Any attempt would overload the system with the amount of people known as â€Å"unstable†and would cause this motor to explode under the pressure. But the point remains that modern society needs no such thing. Instead, individuality and diversity should be embraced, since globalization and the melting pots that cities have become threaten the variety of people that was once so common. People can only learn from diversity and allow the society prospers with fair opportunity for all.
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